Page 43 of The Risk Taker
She finally disconnects and glances at me. “That was the realtor. We’ve had two showings already and he has some places lined up for me to look at when we get back.”
I nod. “I’ll go with you. Make sure the places are sound.”
drops her phone on the counter, leaving it here, and picks up Chase’s backpack and says, “We’d better go.” I turn and nearly have a heart attack when I hear a big booming sound. “What the hell?” The house practically vibrates. “Are we having an earthquake?”
“No. Come on,” she says and from the way she’s trying to hide a chuckle I get she’s up to something. She ushers me out the door and we go to Jonah’s place, find everyone gathered around the fire pit as Jonah fries the fish. My gaze goes to a big gong.
“What is that thing?” I ask.
“It’s a dinner gong,” Fallon says. “I picked it up today.” She leans into me and laughs. “I know how you hate to miss a meal and now you’ll know when dinner is ready.”
“That is not coming home with us,” I say, and instantly realize I used the word us.
“Oh, it’s definitely coming home with us,” Fallon says.
Fuck, the thoughts of making a home with Fallon and Chase…
“Not happening,” I say, and she just gives me a grin, because I think she knows, no matter what, I’ll give in and always give her what she wants.
Is it possible that she could want more from me?
“That stinks,” Daisy says, and we all laugh as she plugs her nose and points to the fish cooking over the fire.
“And that is why we bought chicken,” Quinn says. “Come on kids, let’s go find something yummy to eat.”
Fallon stands and takes Chase inside to make him up a plate, and I stare at her ass as I watch her go.
“Beer?” Cole asks and hands me a bottle.
I take a long pull and relax into my lawn chair, waiting for a lecture from him that doesn’t come, thank God.
But when he plunks himself down beside me, he does say, “The Johnsons’ property is going up for sale. I was talking to Fred the other day. His wife put her hip out and the house is too much upkeep for them.”
“Oh yeah,” I say. “Sorry to hear about her hip.”
“If you’re still interested in a property.”
I angle my head, look down the stretch of beach, take in the Johnsons’ property on the cove. It’s a nice place, but I have no reason to buy a cottage anymore, although it would be a good investment. Properties out here only go up in value.
“Good investment,” Cole says, like he can read my mind.
“Plus, Fallon and Chase seem to love it here.”
“Yeah, they do,” I say.
“Did I just hear my name,” Fallon says as she comes back out with Chase, who is chomping down on a chicken leg.
“I was just telling Jamie here the Johnsons’ are selling their cottage. The one on the cove over there,” he says pointing.
She glances out into the distance. “It’s beautiful. Are you thinking of buying it?” she asks.
I open my mouth, about to say no, when Cole says, “I can get you a tour tomorrow.”