Page 60 of The Risk Taker
“Perhaps John found something here for you,” Barry says.
I sit back, and stare out the window, chaos erupting in my stomach. Barry and Marion are up to something, of that I’m certain. We drive a little while longer, and they pull into the driveway of the Johnsons’ cottage. Jamie and Cole had viewed it shortly after we arrived, but I was too busy with Chase to join them. But this place is too big for us and too far out for a daily commute. Besides, I could never live here. Everyday I’d be reminded of Jamie, and what I’d loved and loss.
“Mommy, we’re at the beach,” Chase says and sits up a bit straighter. “There’s Huxley.” He points as Cole, Nina, and Brandon come our way. Behind them I see all the others, but Jamie is nowhere to be found. Not that I expected he’d come back here.
I open my door slowly, and the warm sun shines down on us as everyone comes to greet us. “What’s going on, Cole?” I ask, and he just smiles at me and points a finger toward the front door of the Johnsons’ cottage.
My heart jumps into my throat and I sink to my knees, tears in my eyes. “What…what are you doing?” I ask so quietly there is no way Jamie can hear me from where he’s standing at the top of the stairs.
“Mommy, Mommy,” Chase says, and Nina goes to his side of the car and lets him out.
Barry reaches for me, and helps me to my feet. “I’m sorry we tricked you. But I’m not really,” he says with a grin. “John did think this place was good for you. We all do. You and Jamie deserve this.”
“What are you saying?” I ask.
“Never mind what I have to say. Go see what Jamie has to say.” He turns me and gives me a little nudge. I walk toward the stairs and Jamie comes toward me. That’s when I realize he’s holding a dog.
“Jamie?” I ask.
He smiles at me, and calls out, “Chase.”
Chase comes running up and Ja
mie drops to his knees. “This guy is for you.”
Chase’s eyes go so wide I think they’re going to fall out of his head as he looks at the mutt. “It’s not a Huxley. Actually, he’s a rescue dog, and he needs someone to love him.”
He hands the dog over, and Chase and everyone starts to laugh as the dog gives big wet kisses.
“You can name him whatever you like. But probably not Huxley, since we have a Huxley already,” Jamie says as the dog stops licking and starts chomping on the sleeve of Chase’s T-shirt.
“I’m going to call him Chomp,” Chase says, and Huxley comes over and starts sniffing the pup.
“Great, more reminders of the alligator song,” Jamie says with a hard roll of his eyes.
“I think he likes you, Chase.” I stand back up as Chase sets the dog down and starts running around, little Chomp and Huxley running after him.
“I think I like you, Fallon,” Jamie says softly, his thumb under my chin, bringing my face to his.
“On that note,” Cole says loudly. “Let’s all go for a walk. Come on, Chase.”
Knowing my son is in good hands, I let him go, and face the man I love. “Jamie, what is all this?” I ask, and look at the cottage behind him. “Did you buy this place?”
“Yes, for us.”
“For us?” I manage to get out as my throat tightens.
“This is my way of telling you how fucking sorry I am and showing you just how much I love you.” I draw in a breath of happiness as my love for him floods my heart. His fingers graze mine as he continues. “I was a complete ass last night. I said terrible things, Fallon.” He swallows hard. “I was hurt, confused…I didn’t understand why you would keep things from me.” He pulls me close, presses a kiss to my forehead. “But I know now. I understand, and I’m here to prove I can be the man you need, and I want to give you that perfect world, Fallon. You deserve it. I deserve it too. Forgive me, please.”
I smile at that, so happy to see his wounds healing. “Jamie, you were a wreck before I came back, and over the past few weeks, you became the man you used to be, the man I’ve always loved.”
“You’ve always loved me?” he asks, his dark eyes half lidded, full of love and hope, and life…something I hadn’t seen in them for a long time.
“Yes, and I wasn’t sure if I was right about Sara and Ethan. Even if I was right, I wasn’t sure I wanted to tell you. But I couldn’t let you keep blaming yourself either. I was so torn. When I said I was sorry that you found out, I meant it. I was sorry. I was sorry for what two people you really cared about did to you.”
“To you, too.”
“I know. But I was really sorry you found out the way you did. Getting blindsided like that. That wasn’t fair, Jamie.”