Page 10 of The Wingman
“Yeah, Lindsay and I talked, too. She makes pottery.” He gives me a wink. “She’s very good with her hands.” I roll my eyes at him, and he feigns offence. “What? I mean it. She owns a store and showed me her pieces online. She’s really talented.”
I eye my bro. Is he messing with me? It’s not like him to connect with a woman outside the bedroom? “You’re kidding me.”
“Nope.” I stare at his face, but there is nothing in his expression to suggest he’s lying.
“Well anyway, Jules was a bit pissed that I sent her friend away with you, so we grabbed a hotdog and I drove her home.”
Kane strips and reaches for his towel. “Are you sure that’s all you did?” he presses. Okay, so maybe I’m not known for my verbal skills, and yeah, she had a killer body, with perfect breasts I could really sink my teeth into. Fuck knows, I’ve thought about it. A lot. I thought about it while tugging my dick in the shower, crawling into bed at night, and climbing from it in the morning. Jesus, when her shirt stuck to her like a second skin, saliva dripped from the corners of my mouth. Good thing I was wet from the rain, otherwise I might have scared her off. Christ, maybe I should have slept with her. Then again, she’s not the type to just jump into bed with a man. Not that there is anything wrong with that. A woman should own her sexuality, and be able to do what she wants, with who she wants—as long as she’s safe. But Jules straight up told me she wasn’t into hook-ups.
I ignore Kane’s inquisitive glare and make my way to the showers. The hot water scalds my skin and I bask in it, hoping it does double duty. One, I need it to wash away the sweat of the game, and two, I need it to douse the memories of Jules that keep plaguing me.
“Actually, I was planning on hitting up Nelly’s tonight, anyway,” Kane says, grabbing the shower next to me. “I’m just surprised you brought it up first.”
I shampoo my hair and angle my head. “Yeah, what’s going on?”
“Lindsay is going to be there. Apparently, it’s karaoke night. She likes to sing
Now it’s my turn to stare at him like I’m stunned. “You’re going to meet the same girl twice, and listen to her sing?”
He rolls one shoulder. “Sure, why not.”
My head dips and I slowly shake it. “Who are you and what have you done with my brother?”
He laughs. “Jules will probably be with her,” he says, his gaze boring into me. “Wait, that’s what you said her name was right?”
Don’t react, Rider.
Don’t fucking react.
“Yeah, whatever,” I say, but from the half laugh, half snort that just escaped Kane’s mouth, I’m not sure he bought it and I’m seriously wondering what the fuck is wrong with me, too. Candy was right. I don’t do relationships. Ever. I’m not good at them and I’m definitely not good enough for a girl like Jules, who likely comes from a close-knit family that sits around and has Sunday dinners. I’m a guy from the streets, tossed and kicked around for years. Unwanted. Unlovable. No, I’m not throwing a fucking pity party, here. It’s just the facts. But I have my hockey, and I’m loved for that, and that’s enough for me.
I rinse my hair and body and keep my movements casual as I head back to the change room. Although, I can’t deny that I’m looking forward to seeing Jules again. She was fun to be around. Maybe tonight she’ll play my wingwoman and show the rookie how it’s done. I laugh at that, and Kane steps up beside me.
“Something funny?”
“I was just thinking about something…Never mind,” I say, not wanting to give him any more fuel.
I check the time, and tug on my clothes.
“I have to stop at Jaclyn’s before we go,” Kane says.
“The kids okay?” I ask.
“Cameron made me something at school, and he wants to show it to me.”
My heart misses a stupid beat. Kane is close to both of his younger sisters and their kids—hell so am I, even though I’m not really the kids’ uncle—and it’s nice that Cameron made something for Rider. I’m not fucking jealous at all.
“You okay bro?” Kane asks and slaps me on the back.
“Yeah, good.”
“You’re coming with me. The kids want to see you too.”
He whacks me on the back of the head. “Of course. Don’t be stupid.”