Page 15 of The Puck Charmer
“Apple pie.” She moans, and I seriously wish she hadn’t. The sound teases my dick, and while I want her in my bed—hello, I’m a twenty-seven-year-old guy—I also don’t want her in my bed. I’m not sure how to explain it, and I don’t even know if it makes sense, but she’s different, and I just want to be with her.
“You got it,” I say. I finish punching in the order, check the pick-up time and shove my phone into my pocket.
“I’m splitting it with you,” she says.
I wag my eyebrows playfully. “Or…you could find another way to pay me back.”
Her eyes narrow in on me, and I can only imagine what she’s thinking—that what I want in return is sexual. “What are you suggesting?”
“Get our laundry going while I run out.”
Wait, is that disappointment on her face? There’s a definite pull between us, and an undeniable attraction, but she doesn’t strike me as the kind of girl to jump into bed with a guy, and with her I don’t want to be that guy.
Which is all kinds of fucked up, because I am that guy.
“Of course.” She looks around. “Just point me in the right direction.”
After I show her where the washer and dryer are, I grab her keys from the counter and toss her a grin. “You’re not going to report your vehicle stolen, are you?” I tease.
“Are you bringing back food?”
“Then no.”
I laugh at that, liking her sense of humor.
“Feel free to make yourself at home, Alyssa. I shouldn’t be long.”
“I think Captain Jack here and I are going to walk the grounds, have a look around and find the perfect spot to plant a burning bush.” She drops to her knees. “How do you like that idea?” she asks the dog, and he licks her face.
“Dude,” she says. “You have to buy me dinner first.” As soon as the words leave her mouth, her gaze jerks to mine.
There’s nothing I can do to stop my mouth from twitching. “Ah, so that’s what it takes for a kiss. Well then, I’ll hurry back with your dinner.”
“I didn’t…I wasn’t…”
I tug on my ball cap, not wanting any of the locals to identify me. “Oh, but you did,” I tease and she lifts Jack’s bone and aims it my way. I dart outside and laugh at the sound of the bone hitting the door behind me.
I start her truck and head to town. I pass by my car, which is still in the same spot. I could call a truck to tow it back to me, since I don’t want Alyssa driving just yet, but I’m pretty sure it’s secure overnight in this town.
I park behind it and head to Benny’s to pick up our order. The girl behind the counter eyes me, like she’s trying to place me, so I tug my hat down a bit more. She goes to the back and comes out with a big brown paper bag.
“Thanks,” I say, her eyes roaming my face. I get out of there before she recognizes me, and jump in the truck, strangely excited to get back to Tyler’s place, strangely excited to know Alyssa is there waiting for me.
Makeup-free Alyssa with the cute freckles, gorgeous red hair pulled back in a ponytail, and coveralls that hide her body. A sweet, girl next door type who insisted on splitting the cost of dinner, didn’t want to exchange insurance papers, and has no idea how sexy she is, and is not trying to impress me.
There’s nothing I can do to wipe the smile from my face as I park and hurry to the front door. I push it open, and call out, “Food’s here.”
My voice is met with silence, so I close the door with my foot and head to the kitchen. I drop the food on the table, when outside I hear Alyssa’s voice and I follow the sound. I catch her in the pool, swimming the length and talking to Jack, who’s watching from the edge. She reaches the shallow end and stands, wearing nothing but my T-shirt. She wrings out the hem around her knees as the rest clings to her soft curves and round breasts, and messes with my ability to think clearly. My God, I’m just as bad as Captain Jack. We’re both watching with our tongues out. When one working brain cell kicks in, there is only one thought rattling around in my lust-filled head.
I like everything about this woman.
I gasp when I turn and find Alek standing there, staring at me with heat and hunger. I fold my hands over my chest, and dip lower into the water. But I have to say, I kind of like the way he’s looking at me. When he suggested I do the laundry I thought for sure he wasn’t interested in me, and while I don’t want him to be, nothing could ever develop between us, there is a part of me that wants to stop being a rule follower, and just have a good goddamn time with a hot guy for once in my life.