Page 5 of The Puck Charmer
I shrug. “Why would you? You don’t have cameras shoved in your face every day, right? Never able to be yourself. People wanting something from you all the time.”
“Nope, I would actually hate that.” She goes quiet for a long time. “I feel kind of bad that I never really considered his situation before. Do you think he might like a burning bush?”
My head rears back. “What?”
“You know a burning bush. I have a couple extras. Maybe he’d like one for his yard. I notice he doesn’t really take very good care of it, other than mowing it once in a while.”
I grin. Clearly this woman is naïve and innocent and has no idea how things sound when they come from that kissable mouth of hers. A woman with red hair as lush and vibrant as hers probably shouldn’t be talking about offering anyone a burning bush.
“I was thinking it might be a nice conversation starter,” she says.
“Yeah, a burning bush is always a great conversation starter.”
“Wait.” She stares at me and her face turns as red as her hair. “Oh, my God. I didn’t mean—” She shakes her head. “What is the matter with me?”
“You banged your head, hard.” I say, giving her an out. “Things are coming out wrong.”
“Yeah, that must be it.” Her smile is so sweet, so warm and grateful, my stomach tightens. The last time I met a woman as genuine as her was…never.
“Do you know you have…” I brush my thumb over my cheek, and her eyes go wide. She pulls down her visor and groans when she sees the streak of mud on her face.
“Typical,” she mutters.
She brushes it hard with her hand. “Your day’s been going well, huh?” I tease.
She puts the visor back up and checks the time on her phone. “Yeah, best day ever.”
It might not be her best day ever but it sure as hell is shaping up to be a spectacular one for me, save for my hitting her trailer and her bumping her head. But I never would have met her otherwise. I’ll have to take extra good care of her to make up for it. Although she doesn’t strike me as the kind of girl who lets other people do things for her. Like I said, she’s different from the other women I know.
She gestures for me to take another turn. “Just around the corner here. Big house, pillars in the front.” I take the turn and she continues with, “How do you know Tyler, anyway?” She gestures with a nod. “Right here.”
I pull off the road, and head up a long, paved driveway, lined by shrubbery. “We both actually grew up in Boston.”
“Oh wow. Do you still live there?”
“My parents and brother are still there,” I say, hedging. When I’m not on the road, I spend most of my time in Seattle training. My summers are spent traveling or at my cottage on Wautauga Beach. A bunch of us all bought properties there. I’m supposed to head back to Boston for a week, but I’ve been putting it off. “What about you? Your family all still here?”
She goes quiet, her face paling a bit. “Yeah,” she says quickly. “Park around back.”
Okay, I’ve clearly hit on a touchy subject. Leaving it for the time being, I drive around the mansion and park. I glance around the massive yard. “This place is gorgeous.”
She sighs. “It is, isn’t it?”
“You’re redoing the backyard?” I take in the huge swimming pool, the shrubbery, and the trees.
“I’ve done most of this. I have some trees to plant, and some shrubbery to prune, and…” She glances at her watch, her eyes wide. “I’ll be right back.”
She jumps from the cab of the truck and in the rearview mirror I catch sight of her darting around the house. I grin as I watch her go, and while those coveralls shouldn’t be sexy, somehow they are on her. I chuckle slightly and turn off the vehicle.
I hadn’t planned on bumping into anyone today—literally. The only thing on my agenda was to explore Main Street, grab a few groceries and keep a low profile. Damned if my day isn’t looking up.
I adjust my ballcap and climb from the truck. The warm afternoon sun shines down on me and the water in the pool is a welcoming sight. I walk toward it, guilt niggling at me. Should I come right out and tell her who I am? I’m not used to people not recognizing me. Bending, I sniff the rose bushes and tension leaves my shoulders. This is exactly what I needed to help me relax today.
I wander around for a little while longer, and just when I think my new friend—she still hasn’t told me her name—has abandoned me, she comes around the corner.
“Everything okay?” I ask when I see the frown on her face.
“Yeah, I just...” She wipes her brow. “I have a lot to do. Mrs. Henderson changed her mind on where she wants her trees, and now I have to dig new holes.” I glance past her shoulder to see a big Rolls Royce cruise down the driveway.