Page 58 of The Puck Charmer
“His heart is in a good place, but sometimes he doesn’t always make the best decisions. I want you to remember that,” she says her face deadly serious.
“Ah, okay,” I say, even though I have no idea what she’s talking about.
“How do you like your steak, Quinn?” Alek asks, like he’s trying to break up our conversation, which is strange. Doesn’t he want us to bond? Or maybe he’s worried she’s going to spill all his secrets.
“You know how I like my steak, Alek,” she says and snarls at him again. Jeez, does she even like him?
“Alyssa, would you mind grabbing the salads from the fridge?” Alek asks.
I stand. “Sure.”
“I’ll help,” Quinn says, and gives Alek a bump as she walks past. I can’t help but think she’s pissed off at him for something, but I don’t ask because it’s none of my business.
“Alek mentioned you have a grandmother here in town,” Quinn says as I pull open the fridge.
“I do.” I gesture to the utensil drawer. “Would you mind grabbing knives and forks?”
She pulls open the drawer. “It’s nice that you visit her every night.”
“She means a lot to me.”
She puts her hand on my arm. “I’m sorry you have to sell her house.”
I shake my head, surprised. “How much did Alek tell you?”
“Oh, he told me a lot,” she says, like she’s pissed again.
We head back outside and set the table. I put the salads in the middle. The doorbell rings.
“Who could that be?” I ask, and step inside to answer. I make my way to the door, and open it.
“About time—” the guy stops talking, his head jerking back as his gaze slides over me. “Oh, hey, sorry. I figured Alek would be answering.”
“You’re a friend of Alek’s?” I ask as I take in his longish dark hair, and his nice blue eyes. My God, Alek has some seriously good looking friends, but to me, no one could ever compare to him.
“Yeah, I was visiting a buddy in Boston, and heard Jonah and Quinn were here. Thought I’d surprise them all.”
“Come in.”
“Ah, am I interrupting something?”
“Nope, everyone is out back. Let’s go surprise them.”
He follows me down the hall. “I’m Alyssa, by the way.”
“Cason,” he says. “Cason Callaghan.”
“How do you know these guys?” I ask and glance at him over my shoulder.
He gives me a strange look, and scratches his face. “Hockey,” he says, and Alek and Jonah smile in surprise when we step outside.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Alek asks, and pulls him in for a hug.
“Can’t be a party without me,” Cason says and holds his hands out. I smile at him. He’s super cute, big and athletic like Alek and Jonah.
He gives Jonah and hug, and I catch the worry in Alek’s eyes as they flash to me. “I see you met Alyssa,” Alek says.
“Sort of.”