Page 15 of The Troublemaker
Liam stands on the seat and sticks his head through the moonroof and starts yelling at all the ladies walking down the street.
“Get back in here, you fool,” Cole says. He tugs him in and jumps up himself to look out and we all laugh at his antics. Back at the hotel, everyone starts to go their own way to get ready for the ceremony.
I tug on Kinsley, keeping her back. “What room are you in?”
“Honeymoon suite,” she tells me and I frown.
“You’re kidding me.”
“Nope, a screw up in my reservation and they bumped me up to high roller status,” she says and pretends she’s tossing the dice. “It’s gorgeous, bigger than my condo.”
“I’d like to see it.”
She grins. “Is this your way of trying to get into my bed?”
“Well, yeah,” I say and she laughs. I grip the hem of her T-shirt and bring her closer. “I’ll come get you before the wedding.”
“Like you’re my date or something?”
“Or something,” I say and when she wets those lush lips of hers, it’s all I can do not to kiss the living fuck out of her. But I can’t. Not here in the lobby, with far too many people watching. “Go,” I say.
“What?” She blinks up at me, confusion in her big blue eyes.
“If you don’t go right now, I’m going to ravage you.”
She chuckles, but I get that she likes how crazy she makes me. Honest to God, I’m not sure what her ex did, or why they broke up, and it’s his loss, but I’m glad I’m getting to spend this time with her.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” she asks.
She reaches into her purse, and pulls out her extra key. “See you soon.”
“Yeah, you will.” She starts to walk away but turns back.
“Oh, and Cason. You still have Emily’s key card. Try not to mix them up, unless…”
“Your room is the only one I want to go to, Kinsley,” I say, my tone a bit harder to drive that point home.
She smiles. “I’ll be waiting.”
I take a few deep breaths and will my cock to settle as she saunters off toward the elevator. It’s all I can do not to go after her but I have to get showered, shaved, and into my suit. As she stands at the elevator, I note the way some people stare at her. Why wouldn’t they, she has bright pink hair and tattoos, but the truth is she’s beautiful. She gives me a sexy little finger wave and climbs onto the elevator when the doors slide open.
“You doing her?” A voice asks from behind.
I spin and find Liam standing there, a shit-eating-grin on his face.
“No,” I say, a little put off by his choice of words. Technically I am doing her, but it’s not like that between us. Well it is like that between us, it’s just…
Fuck, I don’t know what it is. All I know is I have a hell of a lot of respect for Kinsley and I don’t want anyone dissing her.
“Yeah, right.”
“You’ve got something to say, Liam?”
“Just that you might want to roll your tongue back into your mouth before you trip on it.”