Page 29 of The Troublemaker
“Yeah, but what will you lose in the process?”
The question is a good one. Am I really going to barter with my heart? Will money in my palm, and my heart in Cason’s be worth the trade off?
I guess we’re going to find out.
“Relax, we got this,” I say to Kinsley as she anxiously waits for me to finish dressing. We’ve been back for two days now and we’re ready to meet her parents for dinner and drinks.
I take in her light blue dress, the way it flares around her gorgeous thighs, and consider the best way to remove it from her body later.
“My father is good at seeing through a lie, Cason. There’s a reason he’s one of Seattle’s best defense attorneys.”
I work the buttons on my dress shirt and step up to her. She’s so fidgety I put my hands on her shoulders to settle her. “We’re not lying. We really are married, remember?”
“I know, but…”
“No buts. We got this.” I dip my head and press my lips to hers. She looks a little startled as I kiss her.
“What was that for?” she asks, her finger going to her lips.
“No reason. I wanted to. Does a husband have to tell his wife why he wants to kiss her?”
“No, I guess not,” she says, and holds her hand out to examine her diamond ring. I fiddle with the band on my finger. At first I wasn’t going to bother, but then realized to make this authentic, I’d need a ring, too. Here I thought it would deter women from approaching, but oddly enough it seems to draw in more, and that’s just wrong. I’m definitely a one-woman kind of guy—even if it is only for two weeks.
“Is it bothering you?” Kins asks and I glance at her.
“Is what bothering me?”
“The ring, you keep fiddling with it.”
“No, it’s fine. I’m just not used to it.”
“Well don’t get too used to it. It comes off in a few weeks,” she says and I clench down on my jaw at the reminder. “Although you might want to leave it on. It’s odd how it’s a chick magnet. What is with women wanting what other women have?”
“I’m not a cheater, Kinsley.”
“Same,” she says.
Just then my cell rings, and I grab it off my nightstand. “It’s Cole. I’m going to grab this, okay?”
“Sure, I need to reapply my lipstick. You keep messing it up. But I like it.” As she leaves the room, I slide my finger across the screen and step up to my mirror.
“What’s up?” I ask and wipe her lipstick from my lips.
“We’re all thinking of going to the cottages this weekend. You guys coming or have you already gotten a divorce?” he asks with a chuckle.
??Not funny and I’m not sure. I’ll check with Kinsley. She works seven days a week on her truck so I’m not sure she can get the time off.”
A long pause and then, “You really doing this, Cason? You’re going to stay married to her for one whole month?”
“I’m helping out a friend, so yeah, I’m doing this whole thirty-day thing.” I hear pool balls in the background.
“You guys at Nelly’s?” I ask. It’s our favorite bar, and tonight is pool night, but I begged off. Guess the guys are all together making plans for the weekend.