Page 46 of The Troublemaker
“No, I’m sure Alyssa did it. She knew you were coming and probably wanted to make it inviting. I’m not much of a green thumb.”
I remember Alyssa from the wedding. We didn’t get to talk much, but I found out she was a landscape artist in Vermont. Alek did a lot of traveling to see her, they still have a house there, but now that her grandmother passed away, she spends more time here in Seattle with Alek, aka, The Puck Charmer. I think it’s so cute that the guys all have such fun names and I’m looking forward to getting to know the wives better.
“I don’t get out here as often as I’d like, and when we’re all here, the girls are always giving me a hard time about being alone. Guess they can’t do it this time, can they?”
“Nope,” I say and climb from the car. Children’s laughter reaches my ears, as well as dogs barking. With the sun low on the horizon, I turn to take in the beach area and spot our friends in the distance. Jules and Rider have a place here, but I never made the time to come when they invited me. I was always pouring my heart, soul, and what little money I made back into my truck. With them off on their honeymoon, I won’t see them this weekend, unfortunately.
“Want to go for a swim?” Cason asks, his mouth near my ear as he comes to stand behind me. He puts his arms around me, and I lean against him. I guess our friends know we’re sleeping together. Heck, Cole caught us kissing on my truck. So there isn’t much sense in avoiding public displays of affection.
Nina and the boys come running up to me, a big black dog following them. “Hey, Huxley,” Cason says and falls on his butt when the dog practically leaps into his arms.
I laugh and the boys pile on top of their uncle. He carries on with them for a few minutes, and the sight pulls a smile from me. He’s so good with his nephews. The man needs a family of his own. Want and need flood me as I picture myself in that happy family scenario.
“Okay, boys, let your uncle breathe.” Nina picks the boys off, and they go running back to the water where everyone is playing. Nina leans in to give me a hug. “I’m glad you were able to come.” She glances into the car. “How long are you guys planning on staying?” she asks when she sees all the food.
Luke comes sauntering over with a beer, and hands it to Cason. They click bottles and he takes a pull.
“Come on,” Nina says and wraps her arm in mine. “Let’s go have a glass of wine. My lazy brother can carry the groceries in and put them away.”
“What’s that Neaner-Nearner,” he says and grabs her in a headlock. She jabs her elbow into his stomach and I laugh, loving the sibling rivalry. But then sadness envelopes me, wishing I had the same with my older sisters. I guess they figured if they freeze me out, I’d eventually fall in line and become the obedient daughter and go back to law school. I’m not even sure either one of them is happy. We all work long hours, but at least I enjoy what I’m doing.
She breaks free and gives him a punch to the gut. I chuckle, as she leads me away. “You two are pretty close,” I say.
“Yeah, we are.” She casts me a glance. “I never really understood how close we were until I was older.” I frown, not really understanding what she means. “He’s one of the good guys, Kins. I never knew how good until Cole and he filled me in on all the things my brother did for me when we were young.”
“I don’t understand.” We follow a gravel path, leading to what I assume is her cottage. “What didn’t you know?”
“Let’s just say he’s a guy of actions, not words.”
“He said something like that to me actually. He said he always messes things up.”
She nods, like she totally understands where he’s coming from. “Probably because he does.”
“He did something really sweet today, but do not tell him I said he was sweet,” I say with a laugh as I glance over my shoulder to make sure he’s not within ear shot.
“He does do a lot of sweet things. Like I said, he’s a really great guy.” We take the three steps leading to her place. “What great thing did he do?”
“He arranged for a viewing of the downtown space I want to rent. It was a really nice surprise.”
“That’s my brother, full of surprises.”
“He even offered to help me with the rent until I get on my feet. He joked that it wasn’t really helping since he’s my husband,” I say and do air quotes around that one word.
“Sounds like Cason, and it sounds like he’s saying all the right things to you. That’s a refreshing change. Wonder what that’s all about.” She pulls the door open and warm scents of vanilla and fresh baked apple pie reach my nostrils. That’s when I remember Cason said they both did a lot of the cooking growing up.
“He’s really good with your boys,” I say.
“You’re right, those kids love him, and my brother needs kids of his own. Now that you two are married....”
I roll my eyes. “You know it’s just pretend. He’s helping me out with a personal thing.”
“Is that all that’s going on?” she asks and I turn my head to examine the pictures on the wall, fearing she can read me as well as her brother. I study the famil
y photos, love radiating from all the happy faces and wrapping around me. “You have a beautiful family”
“Thanks.” She looks at me with big blue eyes that match her brother. “Do you want a family, Kinsley?”
I give a noncommittal shrug. “I know I say I’m anti-marriage…”