Page 68 of The Troublemaker
“Maybe there was more going on with the bet than we realized?” she says, casting me a fast glance before focusing on the street.
“Do you think so?”
“I do.”
I eye her as I get the sense that something isn’t right here. She’s obviously had a change of heart where Cason is concerned. She was ready to neuter Cason and now it seems like she’s siding with him. What does she know that I don’t?
“What’s going on Emily? What made you say there was more going on with the bet?”
“I think Cason can answer that better than me,” she says as she pulls open the door to the downtown space I wanted to rent.
I go as still as a stealth soldier. “What are we doing here?”
She waves her hand. “It’s the new place I mentioned.”
“I don’t think it’s open.” I glance up, but there is no sign over the door, and it doesn’t look like any patrons are inside.
“It’s open. Come on, let’s check it out.”
I shake my head. “I don’t really want to.”
“Maybe not, but you have to.”
I have no idea why she’s being so cryptic, and I don’t get the chance to ask, because the next thing I know, she’s hauling me inside with her. I’m about to turn and march back out when I find the place empty, but stop when my heart jumps into my throat.
“What…what…” I ask as I spin around. “This is my design. This is exactly how I drew it out when I was at Cason’s cottage.”
“I know,” a very familiar male voice says from the kitchen area. I spin, and nearly sink to my knees as a very tired looking, very disheveled Cason comes from the back and makes his way toward me. The love I feel for the man overwhelms me as he closes the distance. He reaches me, and his warm scent fills the air, wraps around me like a comfortable blanket. It’s all I can do not to throw myself into his arms. But I don’t know if he wants that, and I don’t know what the hell is going on.
“Cason,” I say, as my brain races for answers. “What is this?”
“It’s your restaurant.” He shoves his hands into his pockets and glances around. “Just the way you wanted it.”
I sink into a chair and put my hands over my eyes, as the world closes in on me. I shake my head and try to make sense of it all. “This isn’t right.”
“Did I not do it right?”
I open my eyes at the confusion I hear in his voice. “You did this? You rented this space?”
“I did.”
I stare at him, dumbfounded as the tumblers slowly kick into place. “Cason, why would you do this?”
“Because you’re my wife, and I believe action is stronger than words.” He swallows. “You know I’m not always good with my words.”
“You were with me,” I tell him as tears pound behind my eyes.
Cason did this for me?
“There’s a reason for that.”
“What reason?” I ask, as my heart crashes against my chest.
“It’s because you were right for me and I’m hoping I’m right for you.” I open my mouth, but he puts his finger to my lips. “I fucked up. I have a habit of doing it. In the past, I think I was doing it on purpose, sabotaging those relationships when the girl I was with wanted more. I invented the two-week rule so we never got to that point again, because I never wanted to hurt anyone. I thought I was always saying the wrong things when it came to important matters, like my future. But really I was saying the right things, things that would end the relationship—because in my heart I knew I couldn’t have a future with any of those women. I wanted what all my friends have: the marriage, kids, minivans, but none of those women were right for me.” My chest tightens, an invisible fist squeezing my heart as he continues with, “All this time the right woman was right under my nose.” I blink through the tears, as he continues with, “Cole once told me love was going to happen when I least expected it.”
“Love?” Oh God, is he saying what I think he’s saying? My knees wobble, and my breath comes faster as he sinks to his knees in front of me.
“Yes, love. I love you, Kinsley. I love you so goddamn much and I’m fucking terrified that I ruined things between us. You were never a bet. Not t