Page 25 of The Sweet Talker
“Back up, girl.” She backs up, giving Brody room to carry the tree to the living room. I set the stand for him and he puts the tree in. I drop and tighten the screws to hold it upright. We both stand back and admire the oversized tree that eats up my whole living room.
“I love it.” Mabel barks at the tree, not knowing what to make of it.
“Hey girl,” Brody says and drops to his knees to pet her. “It’s just a tree, nothing to be afraid of.” Mabel settles a little and leans into Brody, her big protector. “Why don’t I take her out for a minute before we get started?”
“I’m sure she’d appreciate that.” He stands and I say, “I would too.”
“Gotta keep my girls happy.” He makes a huffing sound. “Being the world’s most awesome boyfriend sure takes a lot of work.”
“I’ll have a nice hot cup of coffee waiting for you when you get back.” Without even realizing what I’m doing, I lift my mouth to his and go up on my toes. He puts his hands on my arms, and presses his lips to mine. I part for him, and a moan crawls out of my throat as he slides his tongue in to play with mine. A loud bark interrupts the intimate moment, and I go back down on my feet.
“What was that for?” he asks, the blue in his eyes a bit darker, the want and need reflecting mine.
Without even turning, I jerk my thumb toward my window. “I was sure Patrick was peeking.”
His grin is slow, devilish. “He’s been doing that a lot.”
“I know. I don’t know what his problem is.”
“Me neither.” He exhales loudly, feigning frustration, like this whole thing is a hardship. “But if we have to keep on kissing to keep this ruse going, then we have to do what we have to do.”
“It makes me want to dig my heels in, you know.” My lips twitch as I try not to smile. “Really drive the fact home that we’re in a relationship.”
He nods in agreement. “I’m stubborn like that too. The more he pushes, the more I want to push back. If push comes to shove, and we’re left with no choice, I’ll take you to that bedroom. I’ll do what it takes to drive the point home.” Mabel barks. “But first, a potty trip.”
With my insides soaring, I laugh and give him a shove. “Go.”
As soon as they leave, I put on a fresh pot of coffee and put a bag of popcorn into the microwave. I catch my reflection in the window and notice the smile on my face. It’s been a long time since I’ve smiled so hard, or felt any kind of lightness inside of me. I glance outside and laugh as Brody throws snowballs and Mabel tries to catch them. My heart pinches. She’s going to miss him when he leaves.
I’m going to miss him when he leaves.
The microwave beeps and pulls me back, and by the time Brody comes inside with Mabel, I have the string, popcorn and cranberries all ready to go. I put coffee and cookies on a tray and carry them into the living room. Brody and Mabel follow. As I admire my beautiful tree, Brody places his hand on the small of my back. Warmth spreads through me, the heat from his touch, and the magic of the holiday season like a soothing balm to my heart. I take a breath, and for the first time in a long time, it doesn’t hurt to expand my lungs.
Mabel sniffs the tree, and when a branch springs back and bops her on the nose, she barks. “Come on, girl,” Brody says and guides her to her big comfy pillow. She snarls at the tree, then stretches and settles on her bed for a sleep. As Brody drops to the sofa, I can’t help but think an afternoon nap would be nice, too. I can’t remember the last time I treated myself to a quick one. A nap, I mean, not a quickie. Not sex. I’m not thinking about sex.
My God, ever since he said he’d take me to the bedroom—correction, ever since he gave me a cold, slushy shower—I haven’t been able to stop thinking about sex. Why is that, Josie? Oh, probably because the hottest guy on the planet wants me as much as I want him, and he couldn’t look anymore adorable as he begins to string together popcorn, shoving a handful into his mouth.
He smiles up at me. “Everything okay?”
“Just tired.”
“You can nap if you want. We can do this later.”
“I actually think that’s a great idea.” My heart pounds against my chest because I can’t believe what I’m about to do…say. “Are you tired?”
“Nah, I’m okay.”
“Oh,” I say and his head lifts. I instantly know the second understanding hits by the way his eyes widen. He jumps up and the bowl of popcorn spills to the floor. His gaze goes from me to the popcorn, back to me, and there’s almost a panic about him, like he might have just ruined the moment.
“Mabel likes popcorn,” I tell him and hold my hand out. “So, you are tired, then. Is that what you’re trying to tell me?”
“Yeah, exhausted,” he explains, knowing exactly what I’m asking. “Spent. Can’t even keep my eyes open.”
I laugh at his enthusiasm and want careens through my blood, hitting every erogenous zone on the way. “Oh, that’s too bad, because I was thinking—”