Page 41 of The Sweet Talker
“Yeah, she is,” he agrees, and I don’t miss the quirk in the corners of his lips. “I mean, yes she did a great job. Um…do you know if she and Declan are a couple. I know they’re friends, but I was wondering if they were more than that.”
“All I really know is that they’re friends from childhood. Other than that…” I let my words fall off.
“Right, right,” he says brushing it off. “Just curious.”
Holy crap, Patrick likes Nikki. I honestly don’t know what the deal is with her and Declan, but if Declan really likes her, he’d better let her know. Patrick is one of the good ones, and he lives in this town. He’s also not known as the heartbreaker. He might be a bit shy, a little awkward around women, but I think any woman would be lucky to have him. It’s not my business and I don’t like gossip, but maybe I should say something to Brody.
Kayley comes back in and answers the phone when it rings, and she takes today’s orders as Patrick pays for his chocolates. The bell over the door jingles. I glance up quickly, some small part of me hoping Brody is back. But he’s not. It’s just a few customers.
“Enjoy those chocolates,” I say to Patrick as he heads out into the early morning sunshine. The day passes quickly, more customers coming in than I’d expected. By the time lunch rolls around, I run up and grab Miss Mabel and take her for a walk. I scan the street for signs of Brody’s car, but it’s nowhere to be found. I glance at the ski hill and ignore the strange sensations in my gut—I don’t want to think about how cagey he was earlier—and hope he’s having a good time with his buddy, Declan. We make our way to Coffee Klatch.
I push open the door, and Miss Mabel goes crazy with the smells, but you know what she doesn’t do? Jump or pull or try to steal anyone’s treats.
“Good girl,” I say and give her a pat on the head.
Mabel waves to us from behind the counter. “Hey stranger. I haven’t seen much of you lately.”
“Been crazy busy.”
She eyes me. “Yes, you do have a flush on your face from all that work.”
Oh, God. I am not going to discuss my sex life with her. We’ve talked about a lot, and she’s been there for me since I’ve moved here, but sex talk is crossing a line.
“Brody has been doing a great job with Miss Mabel.”
“He really has. He’s been helping me with a lot of things.”
“I bet he has,” she says with a grin on her face. “He seems really nice.”
“He is nice.” Nice, and sweet and good with his hands, and mouth… Oh boy.
“You okay?” Mabel asks.
“Yeah, sure why.”
“Oh, no reason. You drifted for a bit there.”
She has the sweet, but know-it-all smile on her face. “Just thinking about all the orders I need to get out. Which means I’d better hurry. Could I grab a couple ham and cheese sandwiches and a couple coffees?”
“Sure thing, and we can’t forget Miss Mabel’s treat. What’s the sense in living if we can’t have a treat every now and then?”
I just nod, even though I suspect she’s talking about Brody, and it’s true, he’s been a real treat, a big fat snack, in so many ways. I pay for our purchases, and head back outside. In the loft, I give Miss Mabel her treat, and try hard not to think about the treat who’s been in my bed and how our time is coming to an end.
I hurry back downstairs, and after Kayley and I quickly eat, we get to work. I didn’t call in any part time workers, thinking these last couple days would be slower, and while the afternoon dragged on, probably because I’m anxious to meet up with Brody, we were rather busy. I check the clock for the hundredth time, and wonder what Brody might like to do about dinner. He’ll be ravenous after a day on the slopes, I’m sure. With only a half hour left, in saunters Declan and I glance past him, searching for Brody.
“Hey,” I say to him. “How was skiing?”
He angles his head. “Skiing?”
I stiffen, but quickly try to brush off my alarm by waving my hand and saying, “Oh, nothing. I thought you and Brody were skiing today.”
He goes still, and his brow furrows, like he’s trying to figure out if he was supposed to be covering for his buddy. He pulls his phone from his pocket. “He did text me first thing this morning. I messaged him back that I was busy, and that was it. I guess he must have gone by himself. Yeah, I’m sure he did.”
“Can I get something for you?” I ask and plaster on my best smile, like my insides are not on a roller coaster ride, wondering what Brody is doing and why he doesn’t want me to know he’s doing it. The truth is, though, he can do what he wants. He doesn’t owe me an explanation and doesn’t have to clear any of his actions with me first.
“I want to get a box of chocolate nips for my mother.”
“She does love them.”