Page 47 of The Sweet Talker
ons, with this man breathing new life into me.
How could I not fall for him?
Okay, it’s true, I’ve only known Brody for a short time, but I’m in love with him. At least I no longer have to lie to Patrick. I’m not sure what the future holds. Is Brody interested in a long-distance relationship. Is that even feasible? Then there’s that small crack in my heart. Will it ever heal and allow me to be whole again? I have so many unanswered questions, but the one thing I do know is that I’m not ready for this man to walk out of my life.
“You’re awfully quiet,” Brody says, his hand sliding across the seat to capture mine. He brings it to his mouth and kisses it. My heart beats a little faster, the things I feel for him welling up inside me and shifting me off kilter.
“Just thinking,” I tell him.
“Good thoughts?”
I chuckle. “Good thoughts, and Brody...”
Tell him, Josie. Tell him exactly how you feel.
I take a breath, wanting to tell him, but struggle to voice the words. I’m positive it’s that small unhealed piece of my heart that’s preventing me from fully opening up.
“We’re here.” He stops the car and kills the ignition. Turning to me, he arches a brow. “What were you going to say?”
“It can wait,” I tell him. Maybe tomorrow morning, when we’re beneath our gorgeous Christmas tree, I’ll be able to get the words out without the guilt.
“You sure?”
“I’m sure.” I glance up and take in the big, decorated house. “Let’s go have some fun.”
I’m about to turn, but he puts his hand around my neck to stop me. I look back at him and his eyes are half shut, yet full of desire. My pulse jumps as he brings my mouth to his and lightly brushes his lips over mine, for a tender, passionate kiss that takes the breath from my lungs.
“What did I do to deserve that?” I say quietly when he inches back.
“I think I’m falling for you, Josie.” My chest squeezes, and once again, I can’t voice the words. Silence hovers, takes up space between us. I open my mouth and struggle to speak, say something in return. I want to desperately, but can’t. “You don’t have to say anything and I understand you want to move forward, but things that happened in your past are keeping you back.” He laughs softly and shakes his head. “Despite all that, I went and fell for you anyway.”
“Brody,” I manage to get out through a tight throat, as a car pulls up behind us and headlights light us both up. I take in the want reflecting in his eyes. I lost my husband. It gutted me. I’ve not been able to move on, not knowing if he’d want me to or not. I might not ever hear him speak the words, and a part of me will always wonder, worry that I’m dishonoring him. I’ll always love him, but being with Brody is right, in my head and in my heart.
“I have to talk to you about something.” He reaches inside his coat, puts his hand into an inside pocket, but a knock on our steamy window stops him.
“Are you guys going to make out in the car all night or join the party,” Declan says, his arm around Nikki.
We both laugh, and Brody reaches for his handle. I guess whatever it is he wanted to talk about, or show me, will have to wait. I can’t help but wonder if it’s a Christmas present. I have one for him too, and I can’t wait to see his face when I give it to him. I just hope I’m not rushing this. Then again, he did just tell me he was falling for me. I can’t seem to wipe the smile from my face as I exit the car, the box of chocolate bark in my hand. Brody comes around and puts his arm around me, trying to shield me from the rain as we rush up to the front door.
The warmth of the house washes over me, as Donna and Fred greet us and take our wet coats.
“Come in, come in,” Donna says and smiles at me as I hand her the bark.
“A little gift from Brody and me.” I flush thinking about the fun we had after we made it. “We made it together.”
“You didn’t have to bring anything.”
“Fine then, more bark for me,” Brody says and Donna slaps his hand away as he tries to snatch it back. We all laugh. “Did he really help you with this, Josie?”
“He was a great help.” Brody grins at me and heat moves into my face. I have no doubt he’s thinking about how we put the remainder of that melted chocolate to good use.
Donna leans in, a gleam in her eye. “Rumor has it you and Brody are an item.”
“An item, Mom, really?” Declan says with a laugh.
Donna whacks him. “Stop it.” She turns back to us and claps her hands. “Anyway, I’m glad the rumors were true. You two are so perfect for each other.”