Page 6 of The Sweet Talker
Okay, Mabel. Your matchmaking is getting a little blunt here. I adjust my purse on my shoulder and send subliminal messages for her to cut it out. But she continues to smile at me, waiting for an answer. “Uh, yeah sure.”
“Hey, she knows a good thing when she sees it,” Brody teases, standing, his big body towering over mine.
“Well, she kind of loves everyone, and you were holding her favorite treat.”
Declan snorts. “Of course, it was the bear claw,” he says, and grins at me. “Did you know Brody had no friends growing up? His parents used to tie a pork chop around his neck just to get the neighborhood dogs to play with him.”
“Asshole,” Brody says, grinning, grabbing Declan, putting him into a choke hold. I laugh at their antics, tension ebbing from my body as the two play-fight like brothers, and when Mabel grins at me, I straighten my shoulders and pull myself together.
“If you’ll excuse me. I’ll see about replacing your bear claw. Come on, girl.” I take hold of Miss Mabel’s leash and tug, but she seems reluctant to leave her new friends.
“Hey,” Brody says, letting Declan go. “I’ll be in town for the holidays. If you want, I can give Miss Mabel some puppy behavior lessons.”
I turn back to him, nibbling my lip. While that does sound good, and I just haven’t had a moment to work with her, I can’t just hand my pup over to a stranger.
Miss Mabel leans against Brody, in a disgusting display of loyalty, as she wiggles in contentment. I meet her pleading eyes, and suspect she’s siding with Mabel, and trying to set me up. Traitors!
Brody’s gorgeous blue eyes lock on mine. “I’d love to work with her.”
“I can pay you.”
“Sure, we can figure out payment later.”
He winks at me, and my pulse jumps. Why do I get the feeling that he’s not looking for a monetary exchange? My deceitful body takes that moment to heat up, liking the idea. My God, I’m surrounded by traitors! My own body included.
My mind is on Josie as I pull up to Declan’s childhood home, killing the ignition. I take in the twinkling lights on the bushes, as well as the big bulbs hanging from the numerous trees in the yard. An unfamiliar warmth spreads through me, and my chest squeezes.
“People here really love Christmas, huh?” I say, like I find it amusing when the truth is, I kind of like it. But Declan can see right through me, knows me well enough to understand that I had a lot of loss and bury my emotions behind humor. A coping mechanism, I guess.
“It’s a thing.” From my peripheral vision, I can see the way he’s eyeing me, assessing me. I keep staring straight ahead and he opens his door. “Come on.”
Grabbing our bags from the trunk, snow crunches beneath my boots as I follow him up the walkway. The front door opens and his mother, a huge inviting smile on her pretty face, spreads her arms when she sees her son coming her way. As they embrace, my chest aches right around the vicinity of my heart. But I’m not going to let my own lack of family bring me down. Although I have to say, it really would be nice to have a place to call home. I have my house in Boston, decorated by professionals, but it lacks a woman’s touch. My thoughts drift to Josie. Everything about her screams home and hearth, and that weird burning sensation in my chest grows as temporary insanity takes hold of my brain, having me imagine what it would be like to rush home to her after a hard day on the ice.
Declan’s voice pulls me from my musings as he introduces me to his mot
her, Donna, and I smile as she pulls me into her arms, like I’m one of her own. I’m about to stop her, not wanting to get her all wet, but she doesn’t seem to care, and you know what, it’s a nice feeling. A foreign feeling, sure but also a nice one. I’m about to break the hug, but she doesn’t let me. Instead she squeezes a little tighter, like she might just know what I’m lacking in my life.
“Brody, welcome.” She beams at me as she finally lets me break from the circle of her arms. “We’re so happy you’re spending the holidays with us.”
My heart pounds a little faster, instantly at ease here. “I’m happy to be here,” I say, handing over the flowers I purchased for her on Main Street, right after Miss Mabel ate my bear claw.
“Oh how thoughtful.” She sniffs the flowers, and her eyes briefly close as she takes pleasure in the floral scent. Her eyes spring back open. “Come in before you catch your death of cold.” We step inside and the warmth of the home washes over me, embracing me in a tight squeeze similar to the hug Donna had just given me. “Brody, how did you get all wet?”
Shit. I examine her clothes, note the few wet spots. “I’m sorry if I got—”
She gives me a ‘do not worry’ wave. “I’m perfectly fine. It’s you I’m worried about.”
“I slipped.”
“Goodness, are you hurt?” My heart does a weird little tumble at her motherly concern.
“Just my pride,” I say.