Page 8 of The Sweet Talker
I sit and Declan gives me a nod, understanding what I’m going through and for the next couple of hours, we talk. I have to say, Declan’s family is warm, loving and quick to take me under their wing, and I’m grateful that they’re not asking why I’m spending Christmas with them instead of my own family.
After hours of catching up, Declan glances around the table. “I’m going to take off for a few hours. You good here?”
“Actually, I thought I’d head down Main Street, get some last-minute shopping done.”
“Dad, can I borrow your car?” Declan asks and his father laughs. He pulls the keys from his pocket, tossing them across the table.
He shakes his head but it’s easy to tell how much he loves having Declan home—borrowing his car like old times. “Some things never change.”
Leaving the table, I tug on my winter coat. “I can drop you.”
“Nah, you go do your thing. I’ll catch up with you later. Hallmark movie and beer,” he says, winking as he claps my back.
“You’re such an asshole.”
“An asshole who’s got your back.”
“And vice versa.” I glance back over my shoulder catching his parents in an embrace in the kitchen. There is no doubt Declan is loved by all, but it’s best I don’t let that go to his head. “Are you going to see Nikki?”
“Speaking of having your back. If you want to talk—”
“Nothing to talk about. Seriously. Nothing. We’re just friends.” His head hangs a bit, like he’s clearly upset about that, and walks out the door, putting an end to the conversation.
Ten minutes later, I’m cruising down Main Street and the place is lit up like…well, like a Christmas tree. It’s so damn quaint, it could be a picture straight out of a Norman Rockwell photo. I like it. A lot. I slow my car down outside The Chocolate Lab and a laugh bubbles up inside me as I put two and two together. Josie has a chocolate lab named Miss Mabel. Of course, she does. I park on the street, and step from the vehicle, being careful to avoid any surprise potholes.
I pull open the door to the chocolate shop and I’m hit with
delicious smells, but my mind instantly goes to Josie’s nips, or rather nipples, when I spot her talking quite intently to a customer. Her gaze flitters to mine, and for a second, I spot something there. Something so uneasy and jittery it makes me want to jump to her rescue. Is the guy giving her a hard time, or something? She looks back at the man who appears to be in his early forties, with premature graying hair.
Before I even realize what I’m doing, I walk toward them, my steps determined, and a wide smile spreads across Josie’s face as I approach. I’m about to intervene, when a laugh bubbles in her throat and she throws her arms around me, nearly knocking me on my ass, much the same way her dog did earlier.
“Please just go with it,” she whispers into my ear. Her arms slide around my back, and I put mine around her tiny body, anchoring her to me and showing possession, because yeah, I guess I am man enough to admit I watch Hallmark movies, so I sort of get what she’s going for here.
“I’m so happy to see you,” she squeals and breaks from the circle of my arms. “I was just telling Patrick you were running late, and that you might not even be able to make it at all with your demanding schedule.”
“Nothing short of a hurricane blowing me off the road could keep me from you, sweetness,” I say, sliding my arm around her waist, pulling her back to me. Her body collides with mine and I don’t miss the shiver that moves through her.
“Honey, I’d like you to meet Patrick. He’s our local sheriff and a loyal customer.”
I extend my arm taking his hand in mine. “Of course, he is. You do make the best chocolate in all of Massachusetts.”
Patrick doesn’t laugh. Heck, he doesn’t even smile. He just stands there staring at me in that inquisitive way cops do, and I can’t tell if it’s because I’m a NHL player or he’s thinking about ways to arrest me, because he’s clearly into Josie, and I’m the guy standing in as her pretend boyfriend because she’s not into him. I let go of his hand.
“You’re…you’re Brody Tucker.”
“You’re a fan of the Shooters?” I ask.
“Yes, I’ve known Declan for years.” He grins at Josie, his shoulders relaxing slightly. “I can’t believe you never told me you were dating Brody Tucker.”
She opens and closes her mouth, and I come to her rescue. “I like to keep my private life private, you know?”
“Yes, of course, I totally understand that.” Patrick shakes his head, a smile tugging at his mouth. “How did you two meet?”
Josie goes pale, and I jump in and say, “Oh, let’s just say it was fate that brought us together. It’s going to be a great story for the grandkids. Isn’t that right, sweetness?”
“You two are very serious, then,” he whispers, almost to himself as he takes a small step back. “I’d love to get your autograph later. You’ve been on the road with the team, and I’m sure you two lovebirds probably want to be alone.”