Page 23 of On Her Terms
What Granddad was doing was matchmaking, and while I’d like to tell her that I don’t think he’s as frail as he lets on, I keep my mouth shut. She adores the man and I don’t want to say anything that might upset her, or lead her to believe her granddad is messing with her in any way. He simply wants to see her settled down and happy. I can’t blame him for that.
“I’m sorry,” I say.
“Where exactly are you from?” she asks me, redirecting the conversation.
“Italy,” I say.
“Obviously.” She rolls her eyes at me. “Where in Italy?”
“Massara, small town. You probably never heard of it.”
She crinkles her nose and looks out into the distance again. “Actually I have.”
I swallow. “Yeah.”
“There was some guy—I think he was an aristocrat or something—in the news when I was at Oxford. Everyone was talking about it. He crashed a billion-dollar boat or something like that, and he was connected to some sex cub. I think he was married, too.”
“Still is,” I say without thinking.
“You know of him?” She shakes her head. “The guy sounds crazy.”
“Yeah, crazy.” Crazy that my father would want his conglomerates to go to him. He was my father’s attorney for years, so I know he trusted Marco, but I need to save Dad’s legacy from him. That means marrying Valentina—another mystery I can’t understand. Dad was a generous man—was this his way of taking care of his friend’s family, even in death? I can’t shirk my responsibility, and I don’t want to. I want Dad and Matteo to be proud of me. But I wish I could run my life and the business on my terms.
“We don’t hear much about him back in the States. Is he still making the papers here?”
“All the time,” I say and exhale a heavy sigh. “Why Oxford?” I redirect. “Were you hoping to find yourself a British Prin
ce Charming?”
“Very funny.”
“Seriously, why so far from home?”
“I don’t know. I guess I just wanted a change of scenery. Experience something different.” She laughs. “God, I was so innocent and naïve back then.”
“How so?”
“I went into law school thinking I was going to change the world.”
I nod. “We all did.” When I go back to Italy, I plan to take my place and do good things for my community. Bisnonno built a hospital many years ago, and I want to bring in top-notch specialists, as well as increase tourism in the area, which will benefit all. I just don’t want to do it with an arranged wife.
“Yet all I do is battle with couples who hate each other. How is that changing the world?”
“I understand exactly what you’re saying. There is a lot I want to do to help others and leave this a better world for my kids.”
She quirks a brow. “Really?”
“That surprises you?” I ask.
“I guess. Maybe. I don’t know.” A beat and then, “You want kids?”
“Yeah, if it was with the right woman.” She frowns and opens her mouth like she wants to ask something but then closes it again. I reach across the table and take her hand in mine. “It’s not too late to make a change.”
“You think?”
“You’re in your twenties, Brianna. You can still do whatever you want.”
She looks at my hand holding hers. “I guess.”