Page 30 of On His Knees
“Well, I’ll let you get to your duties, then.”
She backs away and grabs a table with her friends, but then I lose sight of her when I take my seat in the booth.
Soon enough I’m lost in a sea of lips—quick, efficient kisses that mean nothing and do nothing to me. I check my watch. Only a half an hour of my one-hour slot has gone by, but for some reason it feels like an eternity. I shove all the five-dollar bills as well as all the phone and room numbers into the cash box beside me and lift my head ready to kiss the next girl.
I shift in the booth, as Summer takes the chair opposite me.
“What are you doing, Summer?”
“Well, this is to raise funds for the children’s hospital, is it not?”
I look over her shoulder at the long line of women, some I might have even taken to my bed in the past, but now... I can’t seem to think about anyone but Summer, and that is fucked up.
“It is.”
“Then I want to do my part.” She puts ten dollars on the table.
“It’s only five.”
“I want to make a donation.”
“The thing is, Summer. If I start kissing you, I’m going to get a major hard-on and have to get out of here.”
“Well if that’s the case, and you can’t provide these ladies with what they want, I’ll make a big donation in their names. Say...” She turns, does a quick tally of the women in line, then says, “Two hundred.”
She wants to donate toward the cause? Once again, Summer takes me by surprise.
“I don’t think—”
“I do,” she says, and leans into me. Her soft lips hover over mine, and I breathe her in, smell cinnamon on her breath. All I can say is I’m glad I’m behind a booth, because my dick is thickening, eager to get back inside her as she slides her tongue into my mouth, and kisses me with unchecked heat. The crowd behind her goes crazy, and when we break apart, there is a little blush on her cheeks. I gesture to Luca.
“Hey, man, you’re going to have to take over here for me.”
Tray in hand, Luca laughs as he saunters over, and the women don’t seem too displeased. He’s a good-looking guy, so why would they? I snatch the tray from him and put it over my crotch. He laughs louder, and drops into my chair.
“Henry, do you need me, or can I take off?”
He waves me away. “Go.”
“Thanks,” I say, and slide my hand around Summer’s waist. “You’re going to pay for that.”
“Can’t wait.”
“Want to get out of here?”
She nods, and I follow her to her table. “Do you ladies mind if I steal Summer away for a few hours?”
“Hours?” Amber says. “Now I’m officially jealous.”
I laugh as Summer shakes her head at her friend—I’m getting used to Amber’s antics. You’re not supposed to get used to any of this.
I’m about to turn away when Ambers asks, “Do you have any brothers, cousins, just hanging around this place?”
“Sorry to disappoint you,” I say, and Summer picks up a big bag from the floor before I lead her outside.
“Did you buy everything in town?”