Page 22 of Under His Obsession
“Will,” she says in a singsong voice, heavy with a creole accent.
His smile is back in place. “Bevey,” he says, his body relaxing slightly.
“I heard you were back,” the gorgeous Bevey says. “I came as soon as I could. I brought your favorite dish.”
Yeah, I just bet she did. And I also bet it’s called Bevey, with a cherry on top.
“COME IN,” I say to Bevey, and stand back to allow her entrance. Her dark brown eyes widen, and her smile turns a bit forced when she sees Khloe in her ridiculous uniform. “Bevey, this is Khloe, my new assistant.”
Bevey shifts the plate of johnnycakes from her right hand to her left and extends her arm to greet the shorter, curvier woman beside me. “Nice to meet you, Khloe.”
“Nice to meet you, too,” Khloe says, and points at the dish in Bevey’s hand. “Would you like me to take those for you?”
“Yes, thank you. I made them this morning. They’re Will’s favorite.” She gives me a big toothy smile that lights up her pretty face. “He says my johnnycakes are the best.”
“I bet he does,” Khloe says under her breath. “I’ll put these in the kitchen, sir. And if you need me, I’ll be in the pool.”
Okay, she’s seriously fucking with me. Maybe I should fuck back.
Maybe I should fuck her.
Khloe disappears, and I will my dick to behave as I turn to my dear friend. Bevey and I go way back. I came to the island with Granddad years ago, when he was first looking to buy a resort, and Bevey was the one who greeted us at the airport. She drove the shuttle bus, but after one taste of her johnnycakes I knew her talents were being wasted. Granddad bought the resort, and I promoted her to chef.
“It’s so good to see you.” I open my arms, and the bright yellow scarf covering her hair tickles my face. After a firm hug, we break apart. I gesture with a wave, and we walk farther into the house. “How are things? How are Samuel and Chardane?”
“We’re doing so much better now, thanks to your generosity. The new housing complex is more than we ever expected, and—” she sighs and claps her hand together “—running water.”
That brings a smile to my face, but it falls quickly. “The school should be completed this month. I’m back to check on progress.” It kills me to think the middle school kids at Leonard Elementary, including her daughter, Chardane, are being educated in an old building that had once been waterlogged. I can’t even imagine the mold and mildew they’re subjected to on a daily basis.
Her big brown eyes widen, and her full lips curl. “The kids are all very excited about the new school.”
I guide her through the kitchen, and the delicious scent from the johnnycakes reaches my nostrils. I’m tempted to have one, but I’m full from breakfast. Besides, Khloe might enjoy one with me later, along with a cup of coffee. I had a hard time swallowing mine this morning with her sitting across from me, her body barely clad. Wait, what am I doing? Khloe is here to work for me. I shouldn’t be thinking about taking coffee breaks with her or how much she would like Bevey’s johnnycakes.
Shouldn’t be thinking about how hot she is in or out of that ridiculous uniform.
“Any more news on filling the positions?” I ask.
“Applications are still open for English teachers. After Jess and Mari went back to the States, we haven’t been able to fill their spots.”
I open the patio door and we step outside. “I’ll run that by Granddad. He can check at the staffing agency.” I widen my arms. “Who wouldn’t want to spend their time here?”
“It is a beautiful island, yes,” she says in her creole accent.
I pull the chair from the table and gesture for her to sit. “Is everyone well?”
“We are well,” she says, tucking her long white dress around her knees and lowering herself into the chair that Khloe had recently occupied.
“Can I get you a coffee, tea?”
She waves her hand. “I’m fine.” Her eyes narrow in thought, and her full lips pinch tighter.
“What?” I ask, worry invading my gut. She clearly has something on her mind. “Are you sure things are good at home and work?”