Page 30 of Under His Obsession
He leans into me, his mouth grazing my shoulder. “Is that the only thing stopping you...?”
My left leg drops from the edge of the tub and plunges into the hot water. It splashes up on us, dousing the lust bubbling between us.
He pulls back, fast, and his face hardens, his eyes a blazing mess of lust and regret. “Khloe... I. Damn. I don’t know what I was thinking.” He inches back, putting a small measure of distance between us. It does nothing to extinguish the heat in my body. “We...ah...probably shouldn’t let this happen, right?”
My brain is so fuzzy, I can’t tell whether he’s making a statement or asking a question. “You’re right,” I say. Getting involved with my boss is wrong on so many levels.
And why is that, Khloe?
Oh, because...
I rack my lust-induced brain, but can’t come up with an answer. He’s single. I’m single. He’s made it clear he’s not the settling-down type, and I’m not looking to settle down with him. I don’t even like rich, entitled guys. But there is no doubt we’re physically attracted to each other, and we’re both consenting adults. Why can’t we have a little fun if we’re clear on the rules from the get-go?
“Here,” he says, the deep tenor of his voice dragging me back to the present as he hands me another towel. “I’m going to lift you out, and you can drape that around your leg.” He bends into me, hooks his arms under my legs and gently lifts me from the tub.
I put my hands around his neck, and he hisses quietly as I spread my fingers to touch more of his skin. I slide my hand down his back, palm his muscles. His jaw is so tight I fear something might snap as he sets me back on the counter, takes the towel from me, and with the utmost care pats my leg dry. I widen my thighs a little more to make it easier for him, and maybe to tease him a bit. Now that I know what I do to him, that he too feels the heat between us, I plan to torment. I’m not going to make things easy on Will. In fact, I’m going to make things very hard on him.
As a delicious, devious plan forms in my mind, I say, “I think I need to see this rule book of yours, sir.”
WHAT THE EVER-LOVING hell is going on in my life? It’s been three days since I touched down on Saint Thomas. Three long, torturous days with Khloe prancing around in her skimpy uniforms and bending over to dust every possible low spot. At night, when she’s not driving me insane, she sits on her deck, her head buried in her journal, her soft humming sounds filtering in through my bedroom window and caressing my cock.
I glance up from my laptop as she hums a tune and bends to run a feather duster over the baseboards—again. I only have so much control, and with her aiming that sweet ass my way, it’s about to shatter.
“Haven’t you cleaned that already?”
“Yes,” she says and goes back to her humming.
“Do you think you could stop humming?” I command in a deep voice.
She blinks innocent eyes at me, although I’m beginning to believe there is nothing innocent about her. She’s been reading over the rule book for the last two nights while I’ve been in my office working on a new Do Not list.
My phone pings, and I reach for it. It had better be Granddad. I’ve put a call in to him every day, and he’s yet to call me back. This time it’s Tate.
“How’s Saint Thomas?” he asks. “Is the view still as spectacular as always?”
I lift my eyes slightly as Khloe sways her hips to an imaginary song inside her head. “More spectacular than ever,” I grumble.
Tate laughs. “Sure doesn’t sound it.”
“Just a lot on my mind. Like how is Granddad? Why isn’t he calling me back?”
“I’m not sure. I was with him earlier, and he never said anything about you calling.”
“Is he okay?”
“As good as can be expected. He’s midnineties, after all.”
“Do you think... Do you think he might be losing his mind?” I blurt out.
“I’ve been thinking that for years, but why are you suddenly asking?”
Khloe leaves my office, and I lower my voice. “The woman he hired to accompany me to Saint Thomas. I’m not sure what he was thinking.”
“She’s not working out?”