Page 46 of Under His Obsession
“Khloe, no one is supposed to know you’re here in Saint Thomas.”
As his brow furrows, panic invades my gut. Shit, I’d forgotten all about that in the nondisclosure agreement. I wasn’t supposed to give away the location. There’s nothing I can do to get the picture back.
“I’m sorry, Will. She’s trustworthy. She won’t tell anyone.” Worry creeps into his eyes, and a chill goes up my spine.
“I understand that, but things have a way of getting out.”
He’s not wrong about that. “Am I fired?”
He winks at me. “Not this time, okay. But if you break the rules again...”
There’s a teasing note in his voice, but beneath it I understand he’s serious. His life had been put under a microscope, and it was a horrible invasion of privacy that resulted in a lot of loss. Yes, he did something wrong, but was it the world’s place to dissect and judge? No. It was no one’s business but his and Naomi’s. It’s certainly none of mine.
“It won’t happen again, I promise. And I’ll tell her not to share my location.”
“You’re sure she’s trustworthy?”
“Yes, best person I know. You’d like her a lot. Not that you’ll ever meet her. I’m just saying—”
The jerk of his chin cuts off my rambling. “Look
Up ahead I see two gigantic cruise ships in dock. I sit up a little straighter.
“My God, those are magnificent. Look at the size of them. How do they even float?”
“They float because the gravitational force is less than the buoyancy of the upward force.”
“Ah, okay. I’ll have to take your word for it. I was an English major. If you want to know how to fix a dangling modifier, I’m your girl.”
He chuckles. “I’ll be sure to remember that. Have you ever been on a cruise?” he asks.
I shake my head, and a few loose tendrils fall from my ponytail and slide down my neck. His eyes follow, and the hairs on my nape tingle under their appreciation.
“Nope, never even been out on a sailboat,” I say.
“Let me guess, motion sickness.”
I crinkle my nose at him. “Funny, and no,” I say, and in that instant, I realize how different we truly are. But I’m not about to bring up that I had only the basic necessities in life, and unlike the people in his social circle, I never went on elaborate trips, flew in private planes, sailed in fancy boats and cared only about getting richer—no matter who got hurt in the process. I’m not resentful that I never had material things. Hell, I’m a strong, independent woman because of it, and I like who I am. Instead I say, “The opportunity just never presented itself.”
He arches a brow. “You know I have a sailboat, right?” He points downward. “Right here on Saint Thomas.”
“How would I know that?” I ask, even though I’m not one bit surprised. The man has everything he wants. Well, except for a wife. Does he still want that? My guess would be no, considering the lifestyle he lives.
He follows the winding road. “I guess you wouldn’t.”
“No one knows anything about you, Will. You take privacy to the extreme.”
“You know why that is, right?”
“Yeah,” I say, a measure of guilt worming its way through me. I consider the front cover spread again. Yes, Benjamin insists we sensationalize. But the fact is, Will was caught with his hand in the cookie jar, so to speak. It seems out of character for him, though.
“I’m sorry about Naomi,” I say.
“I’m sorry I hurt her, too, but she deserves better than me.”
“Are you...” Ugh, how can I word this?