Page 57 of Under His Obsession
I STEAL A glance at Will as we drive back to his villa, feeling excited. I’ve never taught school before, but at least I’ll now be doing something useful. I study the man who has given me this opportunity—he has a strange, unreadable look on his face.
“Hey,” I say.
He smiles. “What?”
“You never told me what you wanted for winning the race.” I lift my chin. “Although I do want a rematch.”
His hand slides across the seat, and there is a new kind of tenderness, a mellowness in him I’ve not seen before.
“How about I show you instead.”
“Ooh, I like the sound of that,” I say, as the heat from his hand seeps under my skin and arouses my body.
“There’s a festival coming up. Have you heard anything about it?” he asks.
“No, what’s it about?”
“It’s a cultural fair with a mix of food, drink, plants. Things like that. It’s a fundraiser for the church and schools. They play traditional games, and nightly performances by schools and organizations display various aspects of Virgin Islands traditions and culture.”
“That sounds like fun.”
“We should go.”
I eye him carefully. “As long as it’s not a date. Rule number three.”
He frowns at me. “I know the rules. And it’s not a date. I just thought since we both want to go, and we’re going in the same direction, we might as well go together.”
“Good. Then okay, let’s go.” He looks ahead as he navigates a turn, and my gaze settles on his mouth. Why, again, did I say no kissing?
Because it’s too personal.
Yeah, maybe, but damned if I don’t want to feel his lips on mine. They’ve been pretty magnificent on other parts of my body.
I sink back into my seat and enjoy the scenery as we make our way home. I’m a little sleepy by the time we reach Will’s villa. But I si
t up straight when I see a big truck pulling out of his driveway and a man standing on the path waving the driver off.
“What’s going on? Who is that?” I take in the stocky man dressed in long white pants and a long white shirt that contrast with his dark hair and skin.
“Right, you haven’t met Vin yet.”
“He’s the caretaker when I’m not here. He was overseeing a job for me today while we were gone.”
The mischievous smirk on Will’s face raises my curiosity. “What kind of job?”
“Oh, just a little something I thought you’d like.”
I frown at him. “What have you done?”
“You’ll see.”
I give him a warning glare, but he just laughs and exits the car. I hop from the passenger side, and Vin comes to greet us.
“Vin, meet Khloe. She’s my new assistant.”
“Nice to meet you, Khloe.”