Page 2 of Pleasure Control
After she filled his muscle with the syrupy concoction, she covered the pinprick with a Band-Aid and sat back on her stool. “Now we wait.” She turned her attention to her notebook and began jotting down the data.
He pitched his voice low. “Wait for what?”
She lifted her chin to look at him. “To see”—she stretched that last word out and nodded toward his crotch—“if Little Jay gets aroused.”
“Little Jay?” A rakish smile touched his lips. “More like not-so-little-Jay, and don’t you think we should put him to the test?”
Laura twisted sideways and glanced over her shoulder. “There must be a magazine around here somewhere to help you with that small problem,” she teased.
He folded his arms in defiance, his lips curled. “I don’t think so.”
“Perhaps you should call one of your many girlfriends.” What had been meant to sound professional came out sounding rather sarcastic, jealous. Damn.
Jay sidled closer. Close enough to overwhelm her senses with his hypnotic scent. He looked deep into her eyes and gazed at her with such intensity that ripples of sensual pleasure danced over her flesh.
“Did you forget this project is top secret, Laura? If Little Jay, as you so kindly named him, goes AWOL while I’m having sex, don’t you think my date would get just a little suspicious?”
Okay, so apparently he’d never suffered from a bout of impotence. That didn’t really surprise her. Thrill her? Yes. Surprise her? No. Too bad the last guy she’d dated couldn’t claim the same victory. That whole relationship had played out like a romantic comedy, without the romance. She’d only been serious with two guys and neither one of them had ever taken the time to satisfy her sexually. The kind of men she attracted only cared about their own pleasures and left her needing to take matters into her own hands. Literally. Now she simply avoided the dating scene. Why bother with the middleman when she could go straight to e
cstasy with her battery-operated best friend?
Jay’s leg shifted and brushed against hers. A fine tremor moved through her as she reacted to his touch. Mercy!
Perhaps she’d pick up extra batteries on the way home.
Laura had never had casual sex in her life, but if Jay was offering his services, that would certainly make her rethink things. Because judging by the number of women who’d called the lab after a night with him, she knew he wasn’t the kind of guy who’d leave a woman high and dry.
Slick, wet, and satisfied, yes. High and dry, never.
She shrugged and focused her thoughts. “You’re a resourceful guy. If you deflate, just make up an excuse.”
His head descended; his lips, warm and silky, hovered only inches from hers. She found his total disregard for her personal space titillating and began to quiver in her most private places.
“I have a better idea,” he said.
The heat in his eyes intrigued her. “Really?” Did that idea involve the two of them naked and a bottle of chocolate syrup? Lord knows she was always open to ideas involving chocolate, or syrup, or the two of them naked.
“Yeah, a really great idea.” Exquisite pleasure swept over her when his hair brushed against the nape of her neck. Eyes fixated on hers, he fingered her pristine white lab coat. “I think you should take this off, go home, and have a long, hot bubble bath.”
In a motion so fast it caught her off guard, he pulled the plastic clip from her tightly coiled bun, allowing her long chestnut curls to tumble over her shoulders.
Without pause, he continued. “Then I want you to slip into your silkiest lingerie.”
He was kidding, right? He’d never given her a second glance before. She wasn’t even his type.
“Well…?” he asked. “Are you game?”
What made him think she’d be willing to turn into slut-in-silk for their research? For him?
Okay, so she’d be willing. But there was no freaking way she was going to admit to him just how willing she was.
She shook her head to clear it. Surely she was suffering from delusions, probably a side effect from working with the suppressant.
He had to be kidding.
The devil’s grin spread across his handsome face. “If I don’t get aroused, we’ll know the potion worked.”
So he wasn’t kidding.