Page 20 of Pleasure Control
Oh hell!
Chapter 5
Still clad in her company softball uniform, Laura kicked back on a cushioned lounger in the director’s private, tree-fringed backyard while she sipped ice-cold lemonade and nursed her sore elbow. She tipped her chin, drinking in the warm afternoon sun rays as the floral arrangement beside her perfumed the air and enticed her senses.
Why the director had insisted on her playing first base during the game was beyond her. Well, maybe not totally beyond her. Since everyone knew she couldn’t even catch a cold with a Kleenex, playing first base gave the director and his personal handpicked team an unfair advantage. That may bring happiness and harmony into his life, but it sure as hell didn’t bring it into hers!
Her gaze sifted over her coworkers and settled on Jay. Moving toward her, he walked around the perimeter of the kidney-shaped pool and negotiated his way through the crowd. Gaze riveted, she appraised him as he approached. He’d changed out of his tight, ass-hugging, thigh-molding uniform and into a pair of deep blue knee-length swim shorts that rode low on his hips and exposed his athletic body. She acknowledged the sudden flare of need as her glance flitted across his face and panned down the length of him, registering every delicious detail of his bronzed skin,
sculpted chest, and tight abdominals. As she devoured him from afar, a restless ache settled deep between her legs.
She brushed her tongue over her dry lips as she debated which look she preferred more, the tight softball uniform or the sexy, low-slung swim trunks. Suddenly Erin’s devious suggestion to switch the vials rushed through her mind like a windstorm and caused her blood to stir. A wave of lust clawed to the surface despite her efforts to bank her desires.
Laura glanced around and noticed that she wasn’t the only one taking pleasure in the view. With heat in their eyes, a few women in the pool called out for him to join them.
After he gave a quick nod of acknowledgment, his glance returned to Laura. His eyes glimmered with dark sensuality as his gaze collided with hers. Warmth and familiarity resonated through her. With long, determined strides he continued to close the gap between them.
Out of nowhere, Sue from finance pounced before him like a dog, or rather, bitch in heat, blocking his path. Lord, if the woman had a tail, it’d be wagging.
They spoke for a moment, but Laura couldn’t hear the exchange over the loud volleyball game in the pool.
Head swung back, Sue’s long blond hair bounced over her waify shoulders as she shared a private chuckle with Jay. Her long, lithe attributes certainly fit Jay’s descriptive requirements.
The woman looked like she was waiting for him to throw her a bone. Laura’s fingers clutched her drink as a strange primal possessive sound climbed out of her throat. After last night, she had an up-close-and-personal introduction to that much-coveted bone.
Laura cursed under her breath as desire segued to jealousy and pushed back the lust. It gave her a small measure of pleasure when he casually sidestepped Sue and continued his journey her way.
Jay stirred the still afternoon air as he sank to his knees beside her. She inhaled, absorbing his rich, earthy, masculine scent. When he nestled against her, a rush of moisture pooled between her thighs and gained her full attention. She shifted to face him.
His brow puckered, concern evident in his eyes. “You okay?” The rich cadence of his voice triggered a reaction from her body. Laura lowered her head in an effort to veil her expression.
Jay cradled her arm in his most capable hands and drew it closer for a more thorough examination. It amazed her how comforted she was by his touch. Using small circles, he brushed the pad of his thumb over her skin. Oh boy! She stifled a moan of pleasure as his tender caress brought back memories of how he’d used that same erotic motion on another highly sensitive body part.
“You took a beating in that last inning.”
She winced when he extended her arm.
“Ouch,” she protested, putting on her best scowl, all the while hoping it would draw attention away from the way her body vibrated from his touch. “Well, you didn’t have to dive for the base, you know.”
Dark lashes lifted over apologetic eyes. He cocked his head. “Sorry, it was an accident.” The soft tone of his voice singed her blood and curled her toes. “Of course, it wasn’t an accident when I slid into second and bowled Max over.”
Laura’s mouth dropped open. “You’re kidding?” For the last two months Max Baker, a junior research assistant from the fifth floor, had been asking her out. No matter how many times she declined, he continued to persist.
Jay’s bad-boy grin turned wicked. “Nope.”
His grin collapsed. His brows knitted together. Surely that wasn’t a spark of possessiveness in his eyes. She had to be mistaken.
“It pisses me off the way he disrespects you. I know you told me you can take care of yourself, Laura.” His jaw clenched and then he continued. “And I know you can, but I just wish you’d let me set him straight. He’s obviously not taking the hint from you.”
Her voice stalled when his blue eyes skirted over her face. His penetrating gaze robbed her of her next breath. There was no leashing the desire that moved into her stomach.
“Here, I brought you some ice.” He moved closer, crowding her, and placed a cold poly bag over her elbow.
His thoughtfulness touched something deep inside her. When she glanced into his rich, seductive bedroom blues, she had to rein in her emotions. She swallowed down the raw edge of yearning and worked to keep her voice level.
She moistened her lips again and pulled in a breath, still unable to fill her lungs to their fullest.