Page 46 of Pleasure Control
The sound of his deep sleepy voice pulled at her. God, she couldn’t believe how much she wanted him. How much she wanted him to want her the same way.
She fell into step behind him and admired his broad, muscular back as she followed him down the hall. He pushed open the door and gestured for her to enter.
One bed, of gigantic proportions, filled the room. Her gaze darted to his headboard, searching for notches. She wondered how many women had writhed beneath Jay on that slate-blue duvet. She squeezed her lids tight, shutting out that unwelcome thought as her galloping heart took her on a turbulent emotional journey.
When she opened her eyes, realization hit full force. It occurred to her she hadn’t seen Jay with a woman in months. And come to think of it, the phone hadn’t been ringing off the hook at the lab. Was it because they’d been working so hard on the project, or was it because he’d lost his taste for carrot sticks?
Suddenly overcome by exhaustion, Laura yawned and rolled one shoulder. She winced as her muscles strained. She must have pulled something when she took Max out.
Jay’s expression turned serious. Reaching out, he palmed her arm and began a slow massage. She started at his touch. His big warm hand swallowed up her entire shoulder. They were so strong and powerful, yet touched her with such tenderness.
As she looked into his gentle eyes, her mind raced. She thought about all the years they’d worked together and assignments they’d completed. She thought about all the ball games they’d played together, the bonding sessions they’d attended, and all the laughs they’d shared. She thought about their intimate night at her place and their afternoon in the director’s bathroom. She thought about meeting his family at the restaurant and pasta-making in the kitchen.
Her heart tightened in her chest. God, they were so good together.
She replayed the passionate kiss he’d given her only hours earlier. If the enhancer had still been ruling his body, surely his kiss wouldn’t have been so tender, so emotional.
She thought about the way Jay made her feel. He made her see herself as something other than a nerdy scientist. For the first time she believed her curvaceous body was beautiful, and that her intelligence was something to be proud of.
She paused to consider things.
Maybe now it was her turn to make Jay see himself as something other than a playboy. To show him he was nothing like the men in his family. Jay was gentle and caring and if there was one thing she knew for certain, he was capable of love.
Laura drew a fueling breath. Tonight, she was going to do something she’d never done before. She was going to step out of her comfort zone and take a big risk.
She was going to show Jay he wasn’t another “Cold-Hearted Cutler.” And most importantly, she was going to show him she was the right woman, dammit.
how was she going to do that? By seducing Jay’s body and his heart and finishing what they started. She was going to make sweet love to him all night long and reveal she was interested in playing for keeps. And during their lovemaking she planned on touching him on a deeper level, to show him he had the ability to feel emotions.
“You’re so stiff.”
Jay’s voice pulled her thoughts to the present.
He stepped closer, his warm masculine scent curling around her. Swallowing hard, she concentrated on the tiny points of pleasure as her senses exploded. She resisted the urge to glance downward, to see if he was stiff too.
She fought to find her voice. “Probably from when I slammed my elbow into Max.”
“You’ve really taken a beating today, haven’t you?”
“I’ve had better days,” she agreed. “At least you weren’t responsible for all of my injuries,” she teased.
He smiled. “How about a long soak in the tub? That should help ease the ache.”
Laura shivered as her mind conjured up other ways Jay could help ease her aches. Ways like he had earlier that afternoon.
He didn’t wait for her to answer. “Come on.” Capturing her hand in his, he led her across the hall. “I’ll run it for you.”
Heat and strength radiated from him and warmed her all over as he guided her to the bathroom. She sat on the edge of his gray porcelain tub and watched him adjust the water temperature. As her heart turned over in her chest, she wondered exactly when it was that she’d fallen in love with him.
“That should do it.” He tilted his head. “I’ll grab you one of my T-shirts to wear. I’ll be back in a minute.”
Her body tingled in anticipation as she counted the seconds.
Before he left her alone to bathe in private, he lit a candle and dimmed the lights. The perfect atmosphere for a seduction, she mused.
Minutes later she found herself stretched out in his bathtub. The candle flickering on the counter provided soft lighting while the warm, heated water soothed her tired, aching muscles. She washed her body, then dropped the scented bar of soap, letting it fall between her thighs.