Page 11 of The Detective
“Caroline you should head to the mansion too. Take the car. I will ride with Bryan,” Wolf told her.
“Okay,” both ladies said and headed for the door. Bryan paid the waiter as Wolf called Ava and filled her in. Then Bryan called Detective Connors. Ava said she would text the team. Call Jason and have him meet everyone here and call Terry to see where Jake is.
Once everyone got to the parking lot of the casino, Ava got a call from Terry. He said Jake had just gotten in his car and he was following him. It looked like he was heading outside of the city. They pulled him up on GPS tracking and they all got in cars to head that direction.
When I got the call from Bryan about Wayne taking Emma out of the restaurant, I panicked and got scared, then I went into pure pissed off mode. I ran out the house and was speeding down the road to get to the PTB Grande. I had the lights on and sirens blaring. If that motherfucker laid one hand on him, jail would be a blessing for him.
When I got there were all pulling in about the same time. As we are all standing in the parking lot in a circle, Ava gets a call from Terry saying that Jake is on the move. He tells her to pull him up on the GPS tracker and follow it. He is pretty sure that they are heading to where Wayne took Emma since they are heading out of the city limits.
About fifteen minutes later, Ava calls and said that Terry is at an old house off the beaten path and Wayne’s car is in the driveway. He is staying clear until we all get there.
I get on the phone and call Sergeant Harper, and she sends a SWAT team to the location where they are.
When we all pull up, we get out and surround the house. SWAT shows up right after us.
Wyatt walks up and gives me Wayne’s cell phone number. I call the number to try to negotiate with them. Jake is the one who answers Wayne’s phone and says that they won’t hurt her if we meet their demands.
“We just want safe passage out of here. Send us a helicopter and we will let Emma go when we are safely at our destination,” Jake said.
“I can get you a helicopter, but you are not taking Emma with you,” I replied.
“We are not leaving without someone to guarantee us safe passage to our destination,” Jake said back in an angry tone.
Without thinking I replied, “Then take me.”
Sergeant Harper pulls the phone from me and holds her hand over it, so Jake can’t hear and says, “Have you lost your mind?”
“No Sarge, I haven’t. But I will not let them take her,” I replied.
“Oh, now I see it. I see it in your eyes. This woman means something to you. But does she mean enough to you for you to risk your own life?” Sergeant Harper asks.
“It took me a while to realize it, but yes she does,” I replied and saw Ava’s face to my right. She had the biggest smile and shook her head yes.
“Fine then. But you better come back alive, or I will bring you back to life just to kill you myself,” Sergeant Harper said.
I laughed and took the phone back and said, “I will get the helicopter. Do we have a deal?”
Jake replied, “Yes, but we are not making the trade until the helicopter arrives.”
I ended the call and gathered SWAT and Seals and Bounty together. “They are not getting on that helicopter, and it is up to all of you to make sure that happens, but I want Emma safe first. Ava once the trade happens make sure she is safe. Sergeant Harper makes sure SWAT is ready when you see my signal. You will know it when you see it. Once SWAT comes in the back, Wyatt and his guys come in the front. Please do not worry about me. There are only two of them and I will be fine,” I tell everyone.
The helicopter arrived, and I call Wayne’s number again. Jake answers and said, “We are ready. You can go ahead and walk towards the door.”
I give my gun to Sergeant Harper and walk towards the door with my hands up. Once I get to the door, it opens, and I step inside and Jake shoves Emma out. As she steps by me, I tell her to run don’t walk away from the house. She shakes her head yes and I see a black eye and a busted lip.These men are dead.
When I knew she was away from the house I went for Wayne. I punched him in the face, I know breaking his nose. I heard the gun shot go off and felt it graze my right arm, but I kept on Wayne. That’s when I heard SWAT break down the back door and Seals and Bounty came through the front door. It was all over, but I still wouldn’t stop beating the hell out of Wayne until Wolf came and pulled me off him.
Once we were outside, the paramedics who were looking over Emma came up to take a look at my arm. They said it would need a few stitches, but it was nothing to worry about.
Emma jumps off the back of the ambulance and right at me throwing her arms around my neck.
“You didn’t have to do that. I was so scared for you. And they shot you. I am so sorry,” Emma said crying into my neck.
“Hey, I am okay. It is a scratch nothing to worry about. You heard the paramedic. And Emma, there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. It took me a while to admit my feelings for you to myself, but I would take more than one bullet for you,” I replied.