Page 6 of The Detective
Caroline and I sat quietly for a moment. But it was driving me crazy so I asked her about her life and she told me about how she met Wolf and their love story.
It was the sweetest story. You could tell just by looking at them together how much he adores her and how much he means to her. I want that, but I am not sure if I will ever find it. I am not even sure if I deserve it. I mean I never could find a family to love me enough to make me their daughter. How could I find real love as an adult?
I swear I am about to pull my hair out. I need a break, something, anything. I need for these guys to make a mistake.
My cell phone rings, and it is Seals and Bounty.
“Connors,” I said into the phone.
“Detective its Carol at Seals and Bounty. The team needs you to come in. Some information was brought to us that may or may not be apart of your chain of robberies. The team is trying to gather more information before you arrive,” Carol said.
“Thanks for the call, Carol. I am on my way,” I replied.
As I drove over to Seals and Bounty, I wondered what information they had that could pertain to my case and where had they gotten it from. I had hit so many dead ends. I can’t imagine someone having found something that we missed.
I walk into Seals and Bounty and Carol is at her desk. She electronically locks the door from her desk so that no one else can enter the building.
“Hey Carol,” I said.
“Hello Detective. We are meeting in the conference room. I have locked the doors and we are closed because of the sensitivity of the information we are going to be discussing. Some of the team is already in the conference room. If you will head in there, I will get Ava from her office. She has been running background checks on the guy names. Kadon has run criminal record checks and the other members have been tracing back any similar robberies in all the states over the last four years,” Carol said.
“Wow, whatever you guys have found out has you working on overdrive. I can’t wait to find out what you know. I will head to the conference room,” I replied.
When I walked into the conference room, everyone but Ava was in there, a man and woman that I didn’t know and then my eyes hit her, Emma. Wow! She is still so stunning. It looks like she came here from work. Her hair was up in a bun, and she had on her maids uniform. Even thought Grayson treated his staff like family, they still were a little old fashion in attire, which I understood.
Wyatt stood up and shook my hand. “Connors, glad you could join us so soon. We have a lot to discuss with you and together we can all decide if what has been brought to our attention is connected to your case.”
“Thank you and hello to everyone,” I said as Ava and Carol walk in behind me.
Kadon motions to a chair beside Emma and says, “Have a seat. This may take us a while to figure out.”
I walk over and pull out the chair beside Emma and said to her, “Hello Emma. It is good to see you again.”
She gave me the most beautiful smile I have ever seen, and I swear I saw a sparkle hit her eyes as she said, “It is good to see you too Detective Connors.”
“Please, call me Blair,” I said without thinking or even realizing that I was not alone with her. It was like I forgot everyone else in the room. When I realized it, I gathered my composure and sat down in the chair and looked at Terry sitting in front of me and said, “So, what is going on?”
“First,” Terry said, “Let us introduce you to our fellow Navy SEAL, Matthew “Wolf” Steele, and his wife Caroline. They are visiting on leave and were here when Emma came in with the information, we are going to be discussing with you. Wolf has offered his services to help while he is here.”
Wolf said, “It is good to meet you Connors.”
“Good to meet the both of you, but I am sure these guys are in agreement that you are on leave and your wife probably wants you all to herself!” I said laughing.
Caroline spoke then, smiling, and grabbed Wolf’s hand, “This is the stuff he is made for. I understand!”
“Not to mention, these guys are proof that we are always Seals on duty!” Wolf said.
“Well then, let’s get started,” Ava said. “Emma, can you please tell Detective Connors everything you told us.”
I turned slightly in my chair to look at Emma as she started from the beginning about this man she had been seeing. I had the craziest feeling that I have ever had, jealousy. But how can I be jealous about her dating someone and I had never told her that I liked her?
But as her story went on my emotions went from jealousy to anger because it really is sounding like this man is just using her to get to Grayson’s art collection.
When she finished her story I told the group, “Okay, it definitely sounds like these two are after looking to get their hands on Grayson’s art collection. What did you guys dig up on them?”