Page 10 of Crushed
“Like pool volleyball?” I asked.
“What about chicken fight?” Jesse suggested.
“Oh, I love that game,” Janelle chimed in.
Cristina stepped forward, jumped in, and said, “I’m in.”
Faye and two of her other girl cousins all decided they were down to the play as well, so it was no surprise that Faye’s brother and a couple of guys from school all hopped in.
Jesse moved close to me, threw his arm around my shoulder, and announced, “Everyone needs to find a partner.”
I looked up at him and scrunched up my brows. “Am I your partner?”
“Damn right.”
“Are you sure about that?” I asked.
Shooting me a dubious look, he countered, “Are you kidding? You’re the toughest girl here. I’ve never seen determination and drive like you have. We’re definitely winning this game, baby girl.”
My heart skipped a beat at the endearment. No guy had ever given me a name like that, and I loved the way it sounded coming from his lips a whole lot.
I beamed a big smile at him, but before I had the chance to say anything, Faye’s brother shouted, “We’re all paired up.”
“Time to go down, boys,” Jesse declared.
Confusion moved through me, but the next thing I knew, Jesse had dipped below the surface of the water, wrapped his fingers around my thighs, and slipped his head between them from behind.
Then, I was being hoisted into the air on top of Jesse’s shoulders. My eyes moved through the rest of the girls, and I tried to determine if they were all feeling the same thrill that I was.
I mean, I was on my crush’s shoulders, his hands were on my thighs, and he’d chosen me as his partner. It was taking everything not to freak out, because I knew he was counting on me to win this game.
Unfortunately, I didn’t see any worry or concern on the faces of the girls who were now my competitors. That was all it took for me to put my game face on and ignore the feel of Jesse’s hands on my thighs.
Hormones be damned.
The fight started, and it was just as Jesse had decided it would be. I was far too determined and competitive to not give it my all. One by one, Jesse and I took the other teams down, and all throughout it, it was his voice I heard encouraging me.
Several rounds later, Jesse and I had been deemed the unbeatable team. And even if we spent the rest of the afternoon and evening celebrating with Faye and the rest of her friends and family, it still wasn’t enough for me. If I had to wait another month to see Jesse again, I was certain I’d lose my mind.
It was nearly two months before it happened again.
“Hey, Sawyer.”
At the sound of Jesse’s voice, I looked up from where I was busy writing in my journal and saw him approaching.
“Hi, Jesse,” I greeted him as he sat down beside me on the brick wall in the courtyard of our school.
“What are you doing here by yourself?” he asked.
“Just checking another thing off my list,” I answered.
A crease formed between his brows. “Your list?”
I nodded. “Well, technically, right now, I’m waiting for my mom to pick me up. I stayed after school today to try out for the lead in the play, and auditions just ended a little while ago.”
“The lead? I didn’t know you were in the drama club,” he replied.
I let out a laugh. “I’m not. In fact, this is the first time I’ve ever done any acting.”