Page 53 of Crushed
“Yes. Yes, I had to go out of town,” I told him.
“Why didn’t you call?” he asked. “Are you back?”
“I am not, and I likely won’t be for a long time,” I shared, giving him more information than he probably deserved.
There was a moment of silence before he asked, “Is everything okay?”
I didn’t know if it was because I was still reeling from the direction my makeout session with Jesse had taken, if I was still pissed at Eric for putting me in the position that he did, or if it was something else entirely, but I couldn’t manage to hold myself back.
“No, actually, it’s not okay,” I informed him. “I wish I would have known that you were using me to find out information about the club.”
As soon as I got the words out, I felt the air in the room change. Jesse was the one responsible for that change. I might have been able to focus on the look on his face if it hadn’t been for the fact that Eric spoke in my ear.
“I wasn’t using you, Sawyer,” he said.
“Only because I didn’t let you,” I argued. “Only because I had not a fucking clue what was going on there. And you actually had the audacity to ask for my number and then call me to ask me to dinner like you really wanted to get to know me.”
“I did,” Eric insisted. “After just a few minutes of talking to you, I knew you weren’t privy to what was happening there. I wanted to be up front with you from the start, but I couldn’t jeopardize the case.”
I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, well, you might have succeeded in doing that, but now I’m the one who has to be worried, because my former boss’s wife wants me dead.”
There was another brief stretch of silence before Eric surmised, “So, that’s why you went to Pennsylvania.”
My body tensed, and my eyes flew to Jesse’s. “How the hell do you know I’m in Pennsylvania?”
Jesse’s eyes narrowed, and I could tell he was not liking what was happening, but I couldn’t focus on that, because Eric spoke again and distracted me.
“I was worried about you after you didn’t show up,” he explained. “I used the resources I have available to me to locate you, and that search led me to Pennsylvania. But, Sawyer, you need to—”
That was all I heard before the phone was snatched out of my hand and Jesse was lifting it to his ear. “Who am I speaking with?” he barked.
There was a moment of silence while he waited for Eric to answer, but it was clear Eric hadn’t given Jesse the answer he wanted.
“That’s none of your fucking business. All you need to know is that I’m the man that’s going to hold you personally responsible if you’re the one who put my girl in danger,” Jesse declared.
I blinked my eyes in surprise.His girl?Jesse had just called me his girl!
Granted, I knew that things had gotten serious between us and that we were officially together, but something about hearing him call me his girl felt really nice.
“Is this a good number to reach you?” Jesse asked. Following a much shorter pause, he ordered, “Good. You don’t contact Sawyer again. I’m going to have a chat with her, and then I’ll be in touch with you. Until then, I’m going to strongly suggest you don’t utter a word to anyone about where she is.”
Without giving Eric anywhere near enough time to respond, Jesse pulled the phone from his ear and disconnected the call. Then, he brought his focused gaze to me and said, “We need to have a talk.”
His voice was not happy.
It was not sweet.
And he certainly didn’t have the same look on his face that he’d had when he first hoisted me onto the counter.
Jesse was pissed.
Not giving me time to answer, he lifted me off the counter and set me on my feet. Then, he took me by the hand and dragged me out of the kitchen.
At that moment, I decided to look on the bright side. At least I wasn’t going to have to answer the question he’d asked before Eric called.