Page 39 of The Party is Over
“Thank you, Jay.”
He grins. “It’s like you don’t hate me.”
“Oh, come on,” I chide. “You know I don’t hate you, Jay, and I hate everyone.”
“You’re trying to get me fired.”
“And you know why.” I lean back and take a bite of my pizza. All pizza is good but add feta, and it’s heaven.
I’ve finished off my slice when my phone buzzes with a message. I snatch it from my lap to find Rich has replied:It’s fucked up you married him. I’m glad I didn’t know until today. I intentionally didn’t look you up. Seriously. He’s a drug lord, Lilah. But whatever the fuck. I’ll go talk to the asshole myself, but not as a favor to you.
I reply with:When?
He answers:That’s all you have to say to all of that, Lilah?
Oh my God, he’s still a man-child. I type out a reply:A man was dismembered last night, Rich. That’s what is on my mind. That’s all that is on my mind. I’m trying to stop him from killing again tonight. So, yes. That’s all I have to say.
Three dots appear then:Shit. Okay. I’ll get my team to pull a report on him now. More soon.
I’d like to say that’s where things turn professional with me and Rich.
But it won’t be.
He’s going to be a problem, but he’s also a good investigator.
If anyone can get Landry to talk, it’s Rich.
Chapter Thirty-Three
Kit pulls the SUV in front of a series of row houses only a few blocks from where one of the victims died. My phone buzzes with yet another text message. I grimace and glance down to find it’s Rollins, not Rich, this time:I’ve got a detective going to talk to Bonnie. More soon.
I don’t bother to tell him about Rich and Europe. He’ll know more when I have more to tell. For now, I focus on the unlikelihood of an old lady and a suitcase that may or may not have been holding a chainsaw. My guess is it did. I exit the vehicle and Jay is already in front of me, acting like he’s the goalie and I’m about to kick a soccer ball at him. He doesn’t seem to understand that the ball would land in his crotch.
Kit steps to our side. “You’re clear.”
Jay backs up, releasing me from what was apparently the shelter of his body.
They act like I’m not carrying a firearm that will outdo a man in a mask with a knife, any day of any week, but whatever. If they want to play circus, they can play circus. At least it keeps them occupied while I chat with the old lady. “Both of you stay here,” I order and start walking toward the gate that indicates the proper address. And since my motto is trust in thyself, I scan the area as I do.
Or I’m trying to.
Jay’s big-ass body is now in my way as he steps to my side, intending to join me for my interview. I halt and look at him. “What are you doing?”
“I go where you go.”
“She’s an old lady. I do not want you scaring her.”
“Like you won’t? I might actually be less scary than you. I seem to remember you asking a lady if she was fucking Landry.”
“I pick and choose who I shock and who I sweet talk. The old lady starts out with sweet talk.” I point to the ground. “Wait here. Do not test me on this, Jay. Kane knows not to walk all over my job. You need to learn that too.” I don’t wait for his reply. I start walking again.
Fortunately for him, he listens.
And fortunately for me, the gate is unlocked.
I step inside the small, garden area and notice the sign by the door, which explains the easy access.Cathy Does Stuff. Cathy is who I’m looking for, and considering why I’m here, I wonder what kind of stuff she does exactly. I ring the bell. When there’s no answer, I try again. “Coming!” I hear a youngish voice that doesn’t fit the old lady I’m expecting at all.
The door swings open and a pretty blonde stands in front of me. Her black trench coat and Burberry scarf tell me either she’s just arrived or she’s on her way out. “Cathy?”