Page 2 of Earls Prize Curves
Reading books like the one she planned on sharing with Sarah and Mary Covington today helped provide a brief respite from reality, allowing her to imagine a world where a handsome man rode to her rescue and cared for her needs.
What a lovely change that would be, she thought ruefully.
Cook and Clara exchanged commiserating looks before she left to gather the items she needed for her visit to the Covington home—specifically a lurid novel calledHer Dark Earl. Though she didn’t know Sarah and Mary well, they’d immediately bonded at a ball after learning of each other’s affinity for reading. And once she’d mentionedHer Dark Earl, the girls had positively begged to have her bring it by their home one afternoon.
I can’t wait to see their reaction.
It had taken Clara some finagling to work out a time to visit the girls with the book in tow since she was technically borrowing it from another friend. But she finally held its colorful pages of wicked romantic scenes and painted sexual liaisons in her hands at long last.
And today her new friends and she would pore over each passage and picture, imagining the day they knew such passion for themselves.
Even if Clara knew for a fact passion wasn’t in her future.
I can still dream, after all.
The sound of his daughters’girlish giggles floated down the hall, drawing Hugh, the Earl ofCovington’s attention after he returned home from Parliament. Curious about the source of their amusement, he strode in their direction, his eye catching on the portrait of their mother hanging with several other paintings of the family.
Fiery waves pinned back to showcase mischievous green eyes, Louisa had been a beauty. She’d captured his gaze the moment he’d laid eyes on her as a randy young man, and a reckless affair followed shortly after.
Hisclandestine night withLouisachanged everythingoncehe learned she was expecting.He’d never planned to marry at so early an age as eighteen, but hasty vows were necessary before they were blessed with twin girls. Asurpriseoutcome he couldn’t muster an ounce of regret overupon seeing his daughters.
Besides, the marriage had been tolerablewith Louisa and himpursuingaffairs outside the home.His wifewas gone now though, taken by pneumonia five years past, and he was left toraise the girls on his own with the aid of their governess.
Strollinginto the library, Hugh spotted the familiar red heads of his daughters minus their usual companion, Miss Matson, along with a less recognizable raven-haired beauty.
Miss Clara Netherfield.
She’d become friends with his daughters at the Kensington Ball a month prior, and the trio hadmet a few times since. A fact he was acutely aware of due to the tightening in his groin every time he glimpsed the lush young woman.
Too young.
And too innocent for the likes of him. Not to mentionHugh would never sully a friend of hisdaughters, potentially ruining his relationship with the girls.
Then stop staring at the girl as if you plan to devour her in one delicious bite.
Forcing his gaze toward Sarah and Mary, he asked,“What’s all this clamoring about? I could hear you all the way down the hall.” A teasing lilt lifted his voice until he saw the hastily shut book that had been their focus.
Though unassuming in its leather binding, the letters of gold etched into the spine spelled out its true nature. “Where did that come from? What are you doing reading such tripe?”
Snatching the tome from Miss Netherfield’s hands, he flipped through pages of indecent illustrations while scoffing at the questionable title.Her Dark Earl. Sounded like one of those penny dreadfuls found on the street, yet this was considerably heftier in production quality, if not actual literary esteem.
“Father, do calm down. Clara wanted to show us the new book by T.L. Kenny. We’re twenty now, and without Mother to educate us, you can’t keep us from learning what is needed before my wedding to Sir Michael.” An impudent look of challenge crossed Sarah’s face as she defended her actions, and if he weren’t so incensed with the thought of his innocent daughters learning about sexual exploits from a novel, the mulish expression might amuse him since it resembled his own.
“I can, and I will. Ladies should not be reading such drivel. I’ll be having a word with Miss Matson about this. I hired her to watch out for you girls.As for you…” He turned to Miss Netherfield, her own challenging gaze burning him likemolten iron from the blacksmith’s forge,and an inappropriate rush of arousal flooded his cock. “This type of rubbish won’t be tolerated in my home. We’re a respectable family, and my daughters don’t need youto encouragebad behavior. I must ask you to leave at once.”
“Father, no!”
"That's not fair!"
Twin cries of outrage rose from his daughters, but he would not be swayed.
“It’s all right.” Miss Netherfield pulled on a pair of leather gloves—a hole on the side of one fingersnagging his attention—before gathering her reticule and thrusting forward a demanding hand. “The book, my lord. We were near the end, anyway.” Coy satisfaction glistened in her bright eyes.
He was tempted to refuse her, to see what her reaction would be. Would she attempt to tug the novel from his grip? Cut him down with an indignant tirade? Hugh very much wanted to know. However, he also very much wanted to make her submit to him in the aftermath, which only heightened his craving for the young woman.