Page 7 of Earls Prize Curves
He judged her reading habits and enjoyed goading her.
Sufficient reasons to forget him.
Yet indecent thoughts plagued Clara the entire walk home. And while she helped her mother and father ready for supper. And as she retired to her bedchamber.
Lord Covington, it seemed, would not so easily be forgotten.
A letter addressed to Sarah and Mary sat on the silver platter in the foyer the next evening, a feminine scrawl across the front, and Hugh knew who’d written it. Obviously, his daughters had decided to forgo his demand of distancing from Miss Netherfield, and here lay the proof.
Did you expect anything less?
His daughters were independent young women who acted as they saw fit. If they didn’t agree with him, then they wouldn’t blindly follow his edicts. Traits he admired even though they frustrated him at times.
The rustle of skirts heralded the arrival of the girls and Miss Matson for their departure to the Tipton Ball, and he resisted reprimanding them for their disobedience as he set the letter down. No use starting their evening off on a negative note with a lecture.
“You both look beautiful. Like your mother,” he said instead, stepping forward to guide them down to the waiting carriage while they preened under the compliment. The short drive proceeded without trouble, Sarah promising Mary a dance with her betrothed in order to drum up interest in her twin from other bachelors. He didn’t understand why Mary remained without a gaggle of suitors, but whatever happened, he’d always ensure her future was secure.
Unlike some men of his acquaintance, he wouldn’t force her into a marriage she didn’t want. Mary would be free to choose to marry for love if she wished, just like her sister.
A crush of people flowed into the Tipton home, and Hugh regretted accepting the invitation even though the party provided the perfect opportunity for Mary to continue her search for a husband. Miss Matson escorted his daughters to a group of young women and their governesses as he headed toward the refreshment table. It might be watered-down champagne, but he needed something to quench his dry throat because Miss Netherfield had entered the room with an elderly woman.
So the minx has a chaperone, after all.
Lot of good she does when her charge is able to secure a copy of wicked novels.
Or practically be ravished between towers of books.
“Lord Covington.” Lord Moseley ambled over to Hugh’s position, pouring a glass of punch for himself. “How are you surviving tonight’s festivities? Lady Moseley promised we could leave after Bernice secured an invite to some outing with Lord Ogden’s son, but I…”
Hugh’s mind drifted as the man droned on, and he found his gaze searching for Miss Netherfield again.No, dammit. You must forget the fiery little chit.But it was becoming harder and harder to listen to reason, especially since learning of her interest in bed play, since their almost kiss at the Temple of Muses.
And he still hadn’t visited Mrs. Havers, struggled to work up any sort of motivation to see the woman when the only lady he dreamed of fucking was a girl two decades younger than him with delectable curves.
Downing his drink in one gulp, Hugh splashed another into his glass and tried focusing on Lord Moseley. Tried thinking respectable thoughts.
‘Tried’ being the operative word.
The Tipton Ball was a crush.
Clara nearly lost her chaperone, Mrs. Lee, multiple times in the crowd before seeing the old woman settled in a seat along a back wall. A childhood friend of her mother’s, Mrs. Lee accompanied Clara to every social event since her parents rarely mingled with society. She feared they’d stop her from attending soirees and dinners as well, but their sense of duty had prevented them from completely sequestering her away at home.
You’re the family representative, dear. Remember to uphold our good name.
The same warning followed her each time she departed for a party, and Clara felt less and less inclined to heed her parents’ words upon its repetition. What would they do if she caused a scandal? Sullied the Netherfield name?
Hire someone else to care for them after they shipped her off to parts unknown?
No, it was much more likely that they’d rush forward with her nuptials to Lord Evanston and retire the four of them to the country, to live out their days away from society as her parents have wanted for some time now.
“Miss Netherfield!” Glancing to her left, she saw a group of her friends, including Sarah and Mary, waving her over to their corner by the refreshments.
Clara navigated around lines of dancing couples and boisterous conversations to join them, sweat already forming on her skin from the crowd of guests. “Good evening, ladies. I was hoping to speak with you about reclaiming Evie’s book.”