Page 87 of Forbidden
“I’ve broughtsomeone to stay with you.” I push through the kitchen door at Hugh’s to find Hana standing at the bar with her sister and Norris.
Rainey is behind me, still wearing the linen pants and long-sleeved tee with my Carhartt jacket over it.
“Rainey Sidorova?” Hana’s brow furrows, and she waddles around the bar to where we stand, glancing from her to me. “What are you doing in Hamiltown? With Dirk?”
“I don’t have time to explain everything. She can fill in the gaps while I’m gone, but she’s here to help us.”
Blake snaps to attention, coming to where I stand and grasping my arm. “What’s wrong? Where is Hutch?”
Using all my control, I keep my expression neutral. “Hutch and Scar need backup. I’ve been watching, and I know where they are. It’s all going to be okay, but I’ve got to get to them tonight.”
Blake studies me, her gray eyes moving around my face and then to Rainey at my side. She’s smart as a whip and fiercely protective of her family.
She turns a glare on Rainey. “Last time I saw you, you were Natasha’s loyal minion. Now I’m supposed to believe you’re here to help us?”
Rainey’s eyes drop, and she nods. “It’s true. We haven’t seen each other in a long time, but a lot has changed in four years.”
“I’ll say,” Hana interjects. “Your hair isn’t blonde, and I had no idea your eyes were such a pretty blue. Why would you hide that?”
“I hid a lot of things in those days.” Rainey’s voice is quiet.
“I can’t stay.” I take Blake’s hand off my sleeve. “You can trust her, and I’ll be back with the guys. Don’t worry if we lose contact for a few hours. Louie is helping me.”
“Dirk…” Panic lines Blake’s face, and I catch her hand.
“I won’t let anything happen to my brother. You have my word.”
“Don’t let anything happen to you.” Rainey steps forward, and I hesitate.
The roller coaster of obsession, to hate, to needing her has my insides in knots. I want to pull her to me and hold her until I understand my feelings, but we don’t have time.
“Or Scar!” Hana calls from behind her. “Although, after everything we’ve been through, I’m pretty sure he’s immortal.”
“Nobody’s immortal.” Rainey’s tone is a warning, and I nod, giving her hand a squeeze.
“I’ll bring all of us back. You be here when I return.”
The flightto New York is excruciatingly long. Neither Scar nor Hutch have their phones, but I’m communicating with Louie the entire way. He’s working on the search warrant, the fire department is on alert, and police officers are in the area around the building, waiting for the signal to act.
When we finally touch down at LaGuardia, I’ve got a taxi lined up, and I’m ready to get to the bar in the Financial District. I shoot Louie a text letting him know I’m on the street, and he tells me other than the usual crowd, everything is quiet.
My head aches from trying to cover the miles faster, and when we finally arrive at the block, I shove a handful of cash at the driver and hop out at the first stoplight. I’m walking fast, doing my best not to break into a run.
It’s after midnight, and Natasha’s words are on repeat in my head. I can’t stop seeing my brother and Scar locked in that room as the entire club goes up in flames. The one thing giving me hope is the clientele. Louie said the club was open for business, and they wouldn’t torch it while it was filled with people.
At least I hope they wouldn’t.
When I finally reach the block where it’s located, I cut down the alley to the side entrance I’ve watched for years. It’s the first time I’ve seen this place in person, but I know it inside and out from all my surveillance.
Leaning against the wall, I hit the call button. Louie answers on the first ring. “Where are you?”
“I’m in the alley behind the bar. I’ll drop a pin, so you can send backup. I don’t think it’s safe to go in there alone. They might be waiting for me.” Rainey’s guess that Natasha knew I was watching is also on my mind.
It takes two seconds to send him my location.