Page 21 of The Wicked In Me
It was after Wynter had busted open each cell to free them that Delilah shocked the hell out of her by declaring they should all go on the run together. The others had nodded, eager. That was when Wynter began to realize that none of them were entirely sane …
Knocking bits of bone and brain matter from her tee to the floor, Wynter took in each smiling face. “You can’t be serious.”
“My ancestor told me I’d live if I followed you,” Delilah told her. “I plan on living. Ergo …”
Hattie began plucking gory clumps from Wynter’s hair. “I think it’s a good idea for us to band together. We’ll be harder to track that way.”
“Andthere’s safety in numbers,” added Xavier.
Anabel nodded. “I like safety. I like that my chances of survival will significantly increase if I’m part of a group that not only includes you but a deity.”
“You guys all know what I am, right?” Wynter asked them. “You saw what just happened? You know I have people on my ass?”
Xavier waved that way. “We all have people on our asses. That’s why it makes sense for us to combine forces. You’re uber powerful, sure, but you still got caught. It’ ll be good for you to have us watching your back.”
They’d been doing that for her ever since.
Wynter did the same for them. Although, honestly, she hadn’t needed to save them from bounty hunters anywhere near as many times as she’d needed to save them from themselves. All things considered, though, she probably should have seen that coming.
Washed, dressed, and feeling refreshed after the best night’s sleep she’d had in a while, Wynter headed downstairs and into the kitchen the next morning. She was immediately hit by the scents of eggs, toast, and fresh coffee.
Both Xavier and Anabel sat at the barn-wood dining table, digging into their food.
Delilah was leaning out of the window that overlooked the backyard. “Hattie,” she yelled, all accusatory. “You said you’d given up smoking.”
“I have!” Hattie claimed from outside.
“Woman, I can smell the weed.”
“That’s for the pain.”
“The pain of what?”
“Fucking cliffhangers.”
Huffing, Delilah straightened and shut the window. “Oh, morning, Priestess.”
“Stop that.” Wynter had no sooner taken a seat at the table than a mug of coffee and a plate of food was put in front of her. “Hmm, thanks. Where’d you get the eggs and stuff?”
“I woke up early and went on a mini grocery grab,” said Delilah.
Xavier bit into his cream cheese bagel, and his eyelids drooped. “DamnI need more of these in my life.”
Spooning her oatmeal, Anabel wrinkled her nose at him. “I have no idea how you can eat cream cheese. It’s justew.”
A line formed between his brows. “You’re constantly testing your own potions—some of which smell like armpits—but you can’t handle cream cheese?”
“It’s the devil’s work.”
He rolled his eyes. “You say that about everything you don’t like.”
Wynter frowned when Delilah joined them at the table with only a cup of tea. “You’re not eating?”
“Already ate,” replied Delilah. “I was hangry earlier, so I figured it’d be better for everyone if I filled my stomach there and then.”