Page 3 of Cookies and Cream
In more words, he looks like he’s all muscle, and those kind brown eyes betray the roughness of his jaw and the thickness of his beard.
“Um, uh,” I stammer, a bit more flabbergasted at the fact he’s talking to me to realize that he’s just saved my life on top of it. “Hi.”
“Hello to you too, miss,” He says with a smile, not mocking my response that made no sense.
“I mean, uh, Thank you,” I say, feeling the blood rush to my cheeks. I’ve already made a complete and utter fool of myself in front of the hot guy. Way to go, Red.
He laughs, and smiles. “Think nothing of it. I always lend a helping hand out here to anyone passing by. How else do we survive harsh winters like this?”
My heart’s beat returning to normal, I take a few steps in the snow and look out into the distance. “Here I was thinking wolves hibernate during the winter.”
The mountain man shakes his head. “That’s bears. Wolves stay active all through the winter and keep hunting.”
“Do... do they attack humans often?”
He shakes his head. “Not unless they’re very desperate. It’s a lone wolf too, one disconnected from his pack, so that probably made it harder for him.”
“I thought lone alpha wolves were how wolves acted.”
More head shaking as he turns to me. “Hardly. Wolves are pack animals. The alpha needs his pack, and will go through anything to protect his mate and his pups.”
He smiles my way, and I smile back, before averting my eyes. “Pardon me, I’m a bit of an ignorant city girl.”
The man looks at the bags I’m carrying. “What’s in your basket bags?”
“Oh, this? Just some groceries for my grandmother. I was walking back from Linesworth to her cabin before that wolf started to stalk me.”
“I suppose meat is part of your groceries?”
I nod. “I’m going to make a stew for us. Sounds perfect with how cold it is.”
He grumbles. “Then he must have smelled it. Was probably after it more than you, which I question his judgment. You’re obviously the finer dish.”
I giggle, as our eyes meet again. “Suggesting he should eat people instead of beef? Are you some sort of cannibal mountain man?”
He shakes his head, looking me up and down. There’s a smile on his face as his head falls back slightly. “Oh, no, as much as I want to eat you, it’s in metaphorical ways instead of literal.”
“What do you mean by that?” I say, my smile twisting.
“You’re the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.”
I look at him in complete and utter surprise, those words being something I had never heard before.
At least not said directly to me.
All I can do is stare right back at him, wide-eyed and very surprised.
He bursts into laughter. “Maybe that’s coming on a bit too strong. Let’s start with our names. Hi, I’m Hood, and may I ask what your name is, sweetheart?”
Disarmed, I laugh too. “My name is Red,” I say.
“Red? Suits you.”
I blush. The story I’ve been told by my parents is they waited a few days to name me, and I had the most vibrant red hair, even as a baby. It always made me feel a bit bashful, with how on the nose my name is. “While I’m not complaining one bit, what are you doing out here, Mr. Hood?”
He shakes his head. “Just Hood, please. And I was over at my own cabin which isn’t far from here. Over near a nice little brook, downstream from a hot spring.”
“Oh, a hot spring?”