Page 5 of Cookies and Cream
When she takes off her bra, I’m so tempted to go around to see that heaving bosom uncovered, but I hold myself back, if even just for now. Then the panties drop, and I can see that sweet, sweet ass of hers. Usually I’m not doing these ice dips with a boner, but I guess there’s a first time for everything.
“Now... now what?” She says, her voice wavering, her teeth chattering, both from nervousness and the freezing cold.
“We jump in, and enjoy the chill all over.”
“What? No. What am I doing this is absurd,” she snaps back.
I take her hand, and she turns to face me. I can’t help but get a full view of her gorgeous self, including additional evidence she’s definitely a natural redhead.
“It’s fine, I assure you. I do this once a week. At least.”
Her eyes meet mine, and there’s an innocence about her. But she trusts me. She’s so absolutely sweet.
Hand in hand, I guide her to the edge of the dock, “Ready?” I ask.
“No. But I guess if I’m going crazy and doing this I better get it over with.”
“Ready enough for me. On three...”
I count, squeezing her hand tighter with each number.
“One... Two... Three!”
She doesn’t chicken out, and follows my lead. We go for it, we jump, and we hit the water.
God, it’s overwhelming. Such intense, burning cold overwhelms me, surrounding my body and getting every blood vessel inside me moving.
I fucking love it. I poke my head above the water, fully revitalized.
Red is having a bit of an experience.
She screams, slapping about in the water. “Cold! Cold! FREEZING COLD! GAH!”
I grab her gently by the shoulders to little effect.
“Oh shit, oh shit, I’m going to die, this is crazy!” She says, flailing about, trying to grab the dock to pull herself up. “You just rescued me there to go and kill me here! This is just the world’s weird sick joke, isn’t it?”
“Take a deep breath,” I whisper to her, holding her. “Of air. Not water, since you’re a bit crazed at the moment, I feel like I need to specify.”
She obeys, taking in the breath. It takes a few before she calms down, spinning a bit in my arms to meet me eye to eye once more.
A few more breaths, she starts laughing.
“It’s amazing isn’t it?” I say. “All of your adrenaline is pumping. It feels great. There’s no quicker way to get that pumping short of jumping in front of a bus, and I have to say that this is a whole hell of a lot safer.”
She lets out a long breath. “I... I guess so. I’m getting what you're feeling. It’s a bit exhilarating.”
I hop out of the brook, and offer her a hand, helping her back up onto the dry wood as she drips dry, still chattering. I share my towel with her, drying the two of us as much as we can. If I had been expecting a guest on my adventure, I would have brought extra.
Turned away from me, she’s covering her tits and pussy, as if there’s anyone around to look at her. My eyes are transfixed on her ass, the one thing she’s not covering and I’m quite liking what I’m seeing.
“You really made this little ritual of mine into something special this time, Red.”
She glances at me, her face as red as her hair. “Now what?”
I pick up our clothes and wrap the towel around her, before picking her up, her bursting into wild giggles as I do so. “We need to dry off, of course. I can get a fire roaring in my cabin in no time flat.”
Her eyes drift away. “I think I’d like that.”