Page 11 of Separate Lives
The magnetic key opened the door of a lake-view executive suite. In front of her, on her right, was a two-seat sofa. Walking further inside the room, she spotted the rest of the stylish living room with a rounded table and two chairs in a corner. Frosted glass doors offered a good view of the bedroom which was dominated by the impressive king-size bed. From where she stood, Jess couldn’t see the closet or the bathroom, but it didn’t matter, her eyes remained glued to the tall, large, empty bed Rob probably wished to fill up with their naked bodies.
Panic set in. The instinct to turn and run away was strong, but she resisted it. Rob deserved to know why she could not go to bed with him. But where was he? Why was he making her wait?
Her heart drummed wildly in her chest. Cold sweat coated her palms as she tried to find her voice and call him. She was saved from speaking though, when the tall, muscular frame of a man stepped into her field of vision. He was wearing an elegant navy-blue two-piece suit with a white shirt, and looked spectacular.
Her breath caught. Her heart failed her. Her brain underwent a total blackout. For long, tense moments, their eyes locked and held. Awareness stirred her dormant senses back to life. A shiver ran down her spine.
Never breaking eye contact with her, he stepped aside, silently inviting Jess to join him inside the bedroom. Trance-like, she did. Her legs carried her under a power of their own, and once they stood face to face, he avidly let his stare roam over her body, stopping to drink in places that set her blood racing.
Without realizing it, Jess recoiled under the intensity of his scrutiny until her back touched the wall facing the intimidating bed, and she had nowhere else to go.
The broad frame of the man seemed to suck all the air from the room. And more so when he stepped even closer, not quite touching her quickly rising and falling breasts, but not allowing Jess to sidestep him either.
Raising his hands, he touched the lapels of her black two-piece suit jacket. Tensing, Jess sucked in her breath, and didn’t release it until he had removed her jacket together with her purse, letting them fall in a pool of cotton and leather on one of the stuffed chairs next to her. Through the front of her mauve satin blouse, Jess could feel the heat radiating from the solid wall of his chest. Her nipples, enclosed behind a lacy, black bra, tightened brushing against the fabric with each anxious breath she took, sending jolts of excitement to her womb. Her heart thumped madly in her chest constricted with dread. Her mouth felt dry, and articulation seemed an alien concept. She was paralyzed, at his complete mercy, while he seemed to be perfectly in control of himself and of the situation.
“Open your legs,” he whispered. “Wider.”
She didn’t waste time pretending to be outraged by the arrogant confidence of this man. His overwhelming presence had already alerted each of her nerve endings. Blood was thickening in her veins transforming the independent, proud woman she usually was into a willing captive.
“Keep them like that. Don’t move.” His voice was now husky. The features of his face were taut. Emotions were tricking his composure as well. Eyes darkened with need, pinned to hers. The message they conveyed was clear.
Goosebumps broke out on her skin. Then his hands touched her. Traveling along the warm length of her silk clad thighs, they caught the hem of the black skirt she wore wrapping it up, successfully trapping the garment between her lower back and the wall, exposing her stay-up tights and her lacy black panties to his view.
Jess bit her lower lip to keep from crying out, fighting the melting sensations weakening her knees, and making her center ache. She resisted the need to grab him, reverse their positions, and shove him against the wall to feast on his body. Then his fingers grazed the sheer fabric between her legs idly playing with the warm, pliant skin it covered.
Jess trembled, but returned the intense stare he was giving her. She managed to keep from moaning her desire, daring him to do more.
A lopsided grin broke across his lips. His eyes shone with smug confidence knowing what she was doing, but more than glad to meet her challenge, and indulge her. His right hand moved to circle her thigh, lifted it up, and rested it against his hip. His other hand lay against the wall, supporting him. Leaning forward, he buried his face in the fragrant hollow between her ear and the vein pulsing at the base of her neck, forcing Jess to absorb his weight, pushing her more solidly against the wall. He didn’t touch her in any other way, but let his warm breath fan that sensitive spot, while the engorged crest of her nipples cushioned his chest.
Each time he inhaled, their clothes rubbed in a sweet caress that stole her senses. The contact between her soft flesh covered with the unsubstantial material of her panties, and the hard ridge of flesh behind the fly of his cotton pants, scattered her resolve to remain indifferent to his doings, turning Jess into a coiled-up heap of nerves, ready to untwist at the barest added pressure.
But nothing else happened for a long, nerve-racking minute, during which he deftly managed to keep her suspended in a sensual limbo, heightening her desire.
Degree by slow degree, he pushed away from the wall. Still holding her left leg against his hip, he eased the fingers of his free hand between their bodies. The pad of his long, thick middle finger found its mark in the seeping heat of her sex through the wet fabric of her panties. Grasping, Jess reflexively tried to close her legs to restrain the million fragmental darts of pleasure that shuttered through her aroused body.
“Don’t,” he commanded through clenched teeth, striving to control his own mounting desire.
Clutching his waist, afraid he would otherwise stop his moving finger, and leave her hunger unfulfilled if she didn’t obey him pronto, Jess immediately released the tension in her legs, or at least she tried. Pleased, he rewarded her, letting his skillful fingers slide under the lacy hem of her panties. With feather-like sweeps he combed the wet curls covering her mound, teasing the burning flesh underneath.
Strangled whimpers emerged from her parted lips. Her hips rhythmically followed the tempo his hand had set. Her eyes slid closed. The back of her head ground against the wall as she savored the pleasure curling inside her, giving herself entirely up to his mastery.
The scent of her own arousal reached her nostrils from the heated center of her body as the man removed his hand from between her legs, and spread it against the wall next to her head. Leaning on it, he pushed forward, grounding his pelvis against her, stimulating her with the iron strength of his arousal.
Yearning to have him buried deep inside her, she opened her thighs wider, sending the skirt further up around her waist, allowing him better access to the burning, throbbing flesh resting there. Needing to feel more of him, Jess clasped his buttocks pulling his middle more firmly against hers. Her eyes slid closed in ecstasy when moist, open lips, luxuriated in the exploration of the length of the neck and collarbone she was offering him.
It was heaven.
It was hell.
When he lifted his head, their eyes met and he read in Jess dilated pupils such blunt, sheer hunger and hot, liquid desire for him, his heart took a joyful leap in his chest, pumping new life into his loins. It made him feel proud to know only he could stir up her desire, and bring this amazing woman to such mind-blowing heights.
“Keep still,” he ferally instructed, easing his pelvis away from Jess’s soft middle. His breath too, was coming out of his lungs in short, staccato gasps that landed in seductive puffs along the sensitive skin covering her neck. Her arms fell back along her sides.
“Keep still,” he softly repeated, before he deliberately buried his long fingers deeply into her snug, moist sex at the same time his mouth found its mark around her earlobe, tormenting it.
For Jess it was simply too much. Chanting his name like a prayer, she contracted the quivering muscles of her legs around the finger inside her hungry sex. His wicked thumb teased her aroused clitoris with circular motions. The only thing that kept her supple body from collapsing onto the floor was the firm hold he still had on her raised thigh. In a small, distant part of her brain, Jess realized she was scant seconds away from a shattering climax, and that he was denying her the ultimate pleasure of having him securely shielded inside her womb when this was going to happen. The bastard hadn’t so much as loosened his tie, while her purse and jacket lay on a chair, her skirt was bundled up around her waist, and she was all undone. Sure, he was affected by her just as much as she was by him, but somehow he was able to retain some self-control. Jess hated him. Hated the ease with which he made her respond to him. Hated the uncontrollable desire that made her act so out of character when he was around. But hated herself more for her eagerness, because she could not prevent but enjoy her ultimate humiliation.
Still sensing her partial resistance, he let go of her leg, and withdrew his hand from her panties, undoing the first three buttons of her blouse, exposing her bra. Shoving it down, he bared her breasts to his mouth and tasted her. Her groans, her whimpers, and her choppy breath were clear signs of her arousal, yet somehow she kept resisting him. On the brink of coming himself, but determined to prove to her that he could control her body as well as his whenever he chose, he twisted her around until she faced the wall. Pushing his solid frame against her back, he circled her from behind with his arms. Her hands were spread shoulder-high against the wall, her right cheek resting between them. The fingers of his left hand gently tugged one of her exposed nipples. The fingers of his right hand found their mark yet again between her legs. His lips routed their way along the side of her neck.