Page 41 of Separate Lives
His answer was a little slow in coming. “He lent us a spare set they use for impromptu occasions such as our wedding. But after the ceremony, we had to give them back.”
Jess briefly closed her eyes, inhaling and exhaling some oxygen, to clear her head. “See, what do I mean? You simply took it upon yourself to choose for me, cheating me out of a moment that should’ve been memorable. Making me feel like you didn’t trust my judgment. Besides, you had the advantage of knowing where I stood where you were concerned, while I, even now, ignore what you feel for me. The sum total of what I know is that apart from liking to have sex with me, you have a very low opinion of my mental faculties.”
“Given all this, what was I supposed to do back then, keep living my life according to your directions? No thank you. Strange as it might sound, I have a brain I’m rather proud of and I like it to use when I’m faced with life-changing decisions. That’s why I divorced you, Reece Hilton. I want to be an equal partner in this affair, but unfortunately, with you, there is exclusively your way or no way to do something. I’m left with no other choice but your choice. Like now. You came to Fairbanks because you’ve decided we need to spend some time alone, and bribed your way into my cabin. So short of calling the police and making a scene, I had to let you stay, and give in to your decision. Now, think what would’ve happened had I gone along with your ruling, and remained married to you.”
We would’ve fought like wildcats and loved like demons, Reece mentally answered.And it would’ve been a granddaddy of a way to live the rest of our lives, he thought smiling.
Though he understood what she was saying, he believed it useless to waste time beating around the bush when one already knew what he wanted. He’d wanted Jess from the moment Johnny and LeeHanne had introduced them. She’d immediately appeared to be likeminded. They were more than compatible sexually. He didn’t need more than that.
“But surely you can’t deny that what I choose to do is what you wish as well.”
She sighed. Her melting whipped cream stood a better chance of understanding what she meant than Reece.
“Why is it so hard for you to ask for my opinion?”
“It’s not hard. You just don’t seem too good at knowing what you want.”
“Reece, I’m about to scratch your face.” Her tone of voice was calm, underlining the seriousness of her intent. “I know very well what I want. I want to live a quiet, peaceful, and boring life. But I can’t if you’re around, because of this irrational obsession we have for each other whenever we’re near.”
“So you’re saying you’d prefer to lead a life with no substance or excitement, one in which every day is the same, with some ordinary guy, instead of living a fulfilling existence with me?”
“Yeah, that’s what I’m saying.”
“Not with your fiery nature. You and this dull guy won’t last long.”
“I can’t cope with what I’ve become since you came back into my life,” Jess exploded, raising the voice, forgetting for a moment their whereabouts. There was a sudden silence from the tables closer to them, and a couple heads turned in their direction, bringing Jess back to her senses. Taking a deep, restorative breath, she concentrated her attention on Reece.
“I’m no better than the slut both you and Rob accused me of being. Even before our unplanned encounter at the Four Seasons, I’d used Rob to try to get over you. Then, when you came back into my life, I physically betrayed Rob twice, and you betrayed Tracy twice.”
“I’ve already told you that had I had nothing sexual going on with Tracy at the time.”
“Nonetheless, you two were dating, and she certainly nourished big hopes for a lasting relationship with you.”
“And what big hopes do you nourish for us, Jess?”
Instead of answering him, Jess leaned on her forearms and pierced him with her clear-blue eyes.
“What do you feel about me, Reece?”
A whirlwind of unidentified emotions crossed his black depths. After a lengthy pause he said in a voice that left no room for a rebuke, “You’re right. This is not the place to talk about such personal matters.”
Jess let her gaze drop to her chocolate ‘Moose’, suddenly feeling the urge to bang her head against the table.
Considering the mood during their dinner, by the time they stepped back inside the cabin, Jess was so anxious, so unsure of his mental state, that when Reece touched her shoulders to help her remove her down jacket, she instinctively shrank away from him.
“I can manage, thank you,” Jess snapped rather sharply.
“I can see that,” Reece sneered then added sarcastically, “Oh, I get it, I should have asked your permission first.”
“Very funny,” Jess returned, not at all amused. Giving Reece her profile, she hung her jacket on the peg nailed behind the front door.
“So funny as to become pathetic.”
Jess turned around to face him. What was he talking about?
Taking a step forward, Reece forced Jess with her back against the door. The lapels of his down coat brushed her rapidly rising and falling breasts. It was with a sense of déjà vu that Jess looked at him, mentally fortifying herself against the fury he was about to unleash on her.