Page 15 of Forever Yours
“Oh?” Callie said. It was now or never, she decided.
“Jackson, was there something I said or did that turned you off? It seemed like you were trying to avoid me tonight. I thought we were…getting closer.”
Jackson took another step and leaned against the kitchen counter, looking at her.
“Callie, you didn’t tell me you have a boyfriend. I know nothing has really happened between us, but it could have, and you must have sensed that I’m attracted to you. I can’t help it–you’re smart, sweet, generous, and beautiful. And you’re a Christian who wants a relationship with Jesus. What is there not to love? What I don’t understand is why you’re not married yet.”
Callie was shocked. How did Jackson know about Hunter? She recalled Jeanne telling her that Hunter had called the inn’s main line, looking for her. Had Jackson been present at the time? That must have been what happened.
“Jackson, it’s not what you think–I don’t have a boyfriend.”
Jackson looked confused. “What?” he said. “Then who is Hunter? I wasn’t deliberately eavesdropping, but I was in the foyer when I overheard Fran’s assistant talking to someone on the phone. She said that your boyfriend, Hunter, was trying to reach you.”
“Oh, boy,” Callie said, “yes, he was looking for me. But I think you need to know the whole story.” She took a deep breath.
“Should we sit down and make ourselves more comfortable?” Jackson asked.
“Yes, I’d like that,” nodded Callie. “There are some chairs on the back deck. Would you like to head outside to talk?”
“Works for me,” Jackson said. They headed through the mudroom to the back door and walked out into the warm salty air of the southern summer night. The tide rumbled rhythmically below.
Jackson pulled a couple of all-weather lounge chairs close together, and they settled into them. Callie could faintly smell the spicy scent of his aftershave.
“Hunter proposed to me at our company’s holiday party last year,” she said. “I turned him down, and we agreed to take a break and get some space. My aunt offered to have me stay with her this summer.”
“So that’s the real reason you came to Seaview?” Jackson asked.
“Yes,” Callie said. “My aunt is my mother’s sister. I never knew my mom as she died of cancer when I was still a baby. Besides my father, Aunt Fran is the only family I have left.”
Jackson reached over and took her hand tenderly. “I’m sorry,” he said, “I can’t even imagine what it must have been like to grow up without a mother or even other siblings.”
Callie wiped away a tear with her free hand.
“That’s why I’ve always longed to have a big family of my own one day,” she admitted. “Hunter was so driven and focused on his career. I could never really see him as thedadtype. The relationship really wasn’t right for either of us. I guess it was just a matter of convenience at the time, more than anything. Getting some distance helped us both see that more clearly. Jeanne told me that he’d called, and we finally talked. It turns out he met someone, too, since I’ve been here, and we agreed we both feel pulled in different directions. My relationship with him is over, Jackson.”
“I don’t know what to say,” Jackson responded. “I am so sorry for not trusting you. I’d been so sure that you were the woman I’ve been searching for, and the thought that you might be like Michelle was too much to bear. It was my own fault for not giving you enough credit. Can you ever forgive me?”
“There is nothing to forgive,” Callie said, squeezing his hand with both of hers. “I understand why you assumed the worst.”
Jackson scooted closer, cupping her cheek with his hand. “I need to start trusting people again. I’d like you to help me do that.”
Callie nodded, tipping her chin to bring her face closer to his. “There’s nothing I want more,” she whispered as he lowered his lips to hers.
Chapter Fourteen
Callie stirred the chocolate-chip pancake batter early Sunday morning and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. She was reaching for a tissue when Aunt Fran entered the kitchen, still in her pajamas and robe.
“Honey, I couldn’t sleep last night because something’s been on my mind, and I wanted to talk to you first thing before the day leaves us without another opportunity.”
She paused and looked intently at Callie. “Why, something’s happened!” A smile came over her face as she walked over to envelop her niece in a hug. “Does his name happen to be Jackson?”
Callie pulled back and looked into the eyes of her aunt, wise with the understanding that comes with years. “I should have realized I can’t get anything past you,” she said before uttering what came out as a half-laugh, half-sob.
“Oh, Aunt Fran, I’ve never felt such a strong connection with anyone before, and I have to admit I’m scared–what will happen when the summer is over, and we go back to our regular lives? I feel like I just found the man I’m supposed to be with, only to lose him before we ever have a real chance together.”
“Well, my dear,” said Fran, “that’s actually kind of what I wanted to talk to you about.” Callie gave her a quizzical look.