Page 40 of Gold In Locks
“I have a confession. I didn’t expect you to be as hard of a worker as you are,” he said.
His hand dipped beneath the surface of my bath to ease me back, the move stirring the bubbles.
“Don’t tell anyone, but I might actually like it,” I said as I gasped when his finger made contact with my pussy and he pressed it past my folds.
“We took you against your will,” he said as he thrust his finger inside of me.
I closed my eyes, bit my lip, and nodded.
“You could have fought us every step of the way,” he continued as his finger began pumping in and out of me.
“And suffer the consequences,” I replied as my breath hitched as his finger hooked inside of me.
“Maybe you’d like the consequences.”
I opened my eyes and locked with the darkness of his. “Maybe.”
Adding a second finger, he continued on with finger fucking. My breasts bobbed above the water as my body swished in the tub causing the waves to crest the edge of the tub.
“But maybe I’d prefer the reward,” I added.
Jay pulled his fingers free from me and lifted me out of the tub so quickly that I didn’t even realize what was truly happening until the coolness of the room made contact with my wet skin. He then laid me on my back on the bathmat, spreading my legs wide.
“A reward you shall get,” he said as he dove his face into my pussy, swiping his tongue along my seam.
I reached down and took hold of his hair, pulling his face into my heat needing more. The bathroom door didn’t lock and for a moment I considered what the ramifications would be if someone were to walk in on us, but then it dawned on me…
Nothing about this was a secret.
There was nothing to hide.
Every single brother knew about the other. They were aware of what occurred, and no doubt what would continue to happen. There was a respect. An understanding.
I was theirs.Theirs.
Jay continued to suck my pussy but replaced his two fingers inside of me as he did so.
“Such a good girl,” he praised between kisses and licks.
His words lit my insides on fire. To hear approval rather than reprimand from the man who had started off our relationship in such a harsh and aggressive way lifted me to a new level. I wanted to please Jay. I wanted to please each one of them. It’s why I worked so hard. It wasn’t just because I was scared or felt forced. It wasn’t just for Kit. It was because I had three men that I desperately… cared for.
“Come for me, Goldie,” Jay ordered as he thrust his fingers and licked at the same time. “I want you to come so I can tuck you into bed like the good girl you are.”
As if the man had the power to control every sensation I possessed, I felt my orgasm build until I exploded into his mouth, my cry bouncing off the tile of the bathroom. My body melted against the bathmat, my eyes locked closed as my breath seemed to be knocked out of me.
It was several moments before I opened my eyes to see Jay looking at me from between my legs. The softness in his eyes, the tenderness, was so foreign but also so welcomed.
“You’ve trespassed into our lives, Goldie. We’re never going to let you go.”
Gazing out the window, something that had quickly become a habit, and seeing several rays of sunshine shining from a bank of fluffy clouds, I smiled. The purples, browns, silver, and grays of the hills and the green of the pastures was something I was falling in love with. I followed the lines of the newly whitewashed fence surrounding the garden Kit and I had worked so hard to create. I smiled, knowing the men had taken the time to do it without even being asked. Their little addition of an arched gate, the plantings of honeysuckle already beginning to grow up the slats, made me feel more connected to them than I already did. Looking out onto the farm the men had labored to rebuild filled me with such pride at their dedication to bring the land that had sustained generations of their family back to life. I cherished everything about this place, the silence, the peace and the sense of... home.
Turning away from the window, I went into the parlor to see if Kit wanted to come outside with me. When I found the room empty, I called her name. She didn’t answer, and I didn’t hear anyone moving about overhead. Maybe she was out with the chickens, or perhaps already in the garden. Returning to the kitchen, I smiled. The roast I’d just seared, browning each side to seal in its juices, was in a large roasting pan, waiting for me to add the vegetables before sliding it into the oven. Veggies I still needed to pick. I grabbed the basket, pulling on my gloves before heading out the door.
The sun was warm on my back. Walking down the narrow path between two rows, I inhaled deeply. Like they always did, the aromas of nature calmed me. I could smell the lavender I used to make soaps and bath salts. Smiling, I remembered the scent had filled the bathroom when Jay had claimed me. I could hear bees buzzing among the chamomile flowers I’d been excited to discover grew wild on the mountain. The daisy-like flowers gave off the scent of apples and when they were dried, I’d make tea from the blossoms. There were so many different plants and infinite possibilities as to their usage. I continued walking down the path, my body brushing up against the rosemary bushes spilling over into the path, the aroma tinging the air. I made a mental note they needed pruning before they took over the area of the garden we had planted with herbs. I was glad to see the thyme, oregano, and basil were all flourishing. Kit loved tying sprigs of various herbs into little bundles to drop into the soups and stews we made.