Page 67 of Good Girl Fail
Lennox moved his hand from her knee but didn’t say anything.
Heat was burning up the back of her neck.I can’t. I can’t.
She dared another look at Auden, part of her hoping he would save her from this, that he’d just send her home and be done with this. But his face had changed, the closed expression now tinged with confusion.
His voice was soft, questioning. He took a step forward.
Lennox stood and backed away, making room for him. Auden’s focus hadn’t left her face. She felt like he was peeling back the cover of her diary, reading every private word. She dropped her attention to her hands.
“Look at me,” he said, quiet authority filling his voice, a tone that commanded.
She shook her head again.
Seconds past.
His hand slid into her hair, his fingertips lighting up the sensitive surface of her scalp, and then he tugged, forcing her to look at him and sending a flash-bang of sensation through her body.
The desperate sound that burst from her lips sliced through the silence like a bullet.
Auden’s hazel eyes were almost black in the darkened room, but his lips parted with what she could only label as wonder. She liked seeing him look at her like that. His throat worked, and his voice came out gritty.
“Tell me what you felt, O’Neal. Now.”
“That it sounded demeaning. That you wanting to make someone cry sounds wrong.” She closed her eyes and shuddered.
“And,” he prodded, his grip tightening a little and sending sparks downward and across her thighs.
She kept her eyes squeezed shut. “And it made me hot all over.Thisis making me hot all over.”
“Fuck.” His breath cascaded over her like he’d released an inhale he’d been holding forever.
“Good girl,” Lennox whispered, pride lining the words. “Honestandbrave.”
The praise fell over her like summer rain. She forced herself to open her eyes and look at Auden. She felt…unmoored. What did this say about her that she was turned on by this? Was Auden right? Did this mean she was abnormal in some way?
“I don’t know how to feel about how I feel.”
Auden gave her a ghost of a smile. “That’s okay. I’m still working on that myself.”
“I’m not,” Len offered.
Auden’s gaze skimmed down her body, his eyes full of barely banked fire. His fingers massaged her scalp, and it was impossible to ignore the growing outline in his jeans. He looked as if he was having some internal conversation with himself. His Adam’s apple bobbed.
“I can try to turn off the thinking for you for a little while. We both can. If you just want to get to the feeling part.”
Her heartbeat was pulsing low and urgent between her legs. She dampened her lips, gave the barest of nods, afraid she’d chicken out if she spoke.
“Her safe word iswater,”Lennox offered.
Auden’s attention jumped his way, his breath a gust of frustration. “How does she already have a fucking safe word, Len?”