Page 23 of Triple Threat
The silence was deafening. Inexplicably, he needed to be around people. Cole opened the balcony doors and slipped outside, taking in the resort’s pool and outdoor bar area. Voices floated up on the ocean breeze and Cole closed his eyes, trying to pretend that the children’s giggles and deeper voices of their parents were Ava and Bryce.
Exhaustion enveloped him and Cole stretched out on the sun lounge as the afternoon sun dipped below the towering cliffs directly behind the resort. His stomach rumbled. He had been looking forward to a week of being able to relax and eat alone, but after the events of the last day, he wished for some company. Not just any company, though. He wanted Bryce and Ava there with him.
Cole startled hours later. All he could hear was the crash of the ocean against the shore and the calls of the night birds in the trees nearby. Stars as bright as diamonds glittered in the inky sky, his eyes drawn to the moon sitting high above the horizon. There was a slight chill in the air from the ocean breeze, and his body ached from how well used he had been that morning.
He sighed and scrubbed a hand over his forehead, groaning at the immediate direction of his thoughts. His dreams had been filled with husky laughs and the ghost of gentle touches and passionate kisses. At this rate, the next couple of days were going to stretch into eternity, Cole’s sleep just as utterly consumed by his two travelling companions as his waking moments.
Cole stared at the latest text from Bryce. It was only a few words—his address and “see you soon”—but Cole was reading a whole lot more into it. The prospect of spending a day with the people who had been on his mind without respite had excitement thrumming through him. A little of that excitement was reserved for meeting Bryce’s family too. He’d heard Bryce’s mum talking in the background when they’d spoken, and she seemed totally cool—nothing like the rigid trio his parents and sister had turned into when he’d last seen them. She’d yelled her invitation out to him, leaving Cole in no doubt that he was welcome there.
He looked up at the house, double-checking the number, but there was no need. Bryce’s truck was parked on the drive and the ride share was already peeling away. He tightened his grip on the gift bags he was carrying and crossed the spongy lawn to the front door.
He knocked and the door swung open after only a moment, the man before him a welcome sight. He was bouncing on his toes and grinning at Cole like he was jumping out of his skin with excitement. The red shirt and Santa hat suited him—he was exactly like a kid at Christmas.
Bryce’s excitement eased Cole’s antsy nerves—he wasn’t the only one who’d been looking forward to their meeting.
“Come in,” Bryce mumbled, his voice a rough rasp. Bryce looked up and down the hall conspiratorially before taking Cole’s hand and quickly dragging him in the opposite direction to the voices at the back of the house. Bryce tugged him through a doorway into a bedroom and slammed the door closed behind Cole, pushing him against it.
Connected from shoulder to knee, Bryce’s big body trapped him in place. In a daze, Cole dropped the gift bags on the floor and reached for his man, threading his fingers into Bryce’s silky locks and sinking into the kiss. It was a heady mix of frantic passion and rediscovering each other. Their tongues tangled and Cole moaned, his body arching into the hard one grinding on him.
Bryce moved his lips to Cole’s throat, pulling his collar down to suck a mark in the dip above his collarbone. His big hand closed over his cock and Cole’s breath hitched. This was… he shouldn’t…. The protests died on his tongue when Bryce fell to his knees, tugged open his pants and freed his steely cock.
Cole bit down on his hand as Bryce licked his head and hummed before engulfing him to the root. Cole had no hope of resisting when the suction the other man applied had his toes curling in his loafers. There was no finesse, but Bryce’s enthusiasm made up for it, and as shudders racked Cole’s body, he threaded his fingers into Bryce’s hair and tentatively rocked his hips.
Bryce’s deep moan vibrated around his shaft, and the room spun, Cole’s knees going weak as he crested, hovering in that split-second moment between the climb and the freefall into orgasm. He bit down on his lip, trying to stifle the shout that bubbled up his throat as Bryce rolled his balls and sucked him down again, drawing his orgasm from the depths of his body.
He saw stars, constellations bursting into life at the beginning of time as his cock pulsed and he erupted. He floated. The ripple of ecstasy thrummed through his body like an electric charge.
Shaking, his limbs like limp noodles, he slid to his arse. The sight before him stole his breath, and Cole moaned, another pulse of orgasmic bliss ricocheting through him as he watched Bryce jack off. It was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen—equalled only by Ava playing with herself while she’d watched them touch. But watching wasn’t enough; he needed to touch.
“Come in my mouth, Bryce,” he growled, needing another taste of the man before him.
Bryce didn’t hesitate, standing and straddling Cole’s hips, squatting until his cockhead touched Cole’s lips. It only took one swipe of his tongue and another tug on his cock before Bryce shuddered out his orgasm, coating Cole’s tongue in his essence. He moaned quietly, finally satisfied. That taste was what he’d needed. The reassurance that he hadn’t imagined the desperate desire that he was filled with whenever he thought about the two people he’d missed with every ounce of his being in the time they’d been separated.
Bryce collapsed to his knees and his glassy eyes darkened, his nostrils flaring as he growled possessively. Tilting Cole’s chin, Bryce licked up his throat to his lips, kissing him deeply until Cole was a quivering mess.
“Seeing my cum dripping from your mouth. Fuck,” Bryce groaned. “So hot.” He pressed their foreheads together and Cole relaxed, his breathing slowing. Bryce pulled back and his smile turned shy. “Hi.”
“Hi.” Cole laughed and cradled Bryce’s face in his palms, pressing a lingering kiss to his lips. “That was quite a welcome.”
“Is it weird if I say I missed that? Felt like I’ve been crawling out of my skin since I dropped you both off.”
“No.” Cole shook his head. “I… me too.”
Tension that he hadn’t even seen Bryce holding leeched out of the bigger man’s shoulders and a relieved smile tilted his lips. “We better head out or someone’ll come looking for me. You ready to meet everyone?”
“Might need a breath mint.”
Bryce snorted out a laugh, rolling his eyes and standing effortlessly while holding out his hand to pull Cole up. Standing, they tucked themselves in and Bryce opened the door a crack before looking down at the bags.
“What’s that?”
“Something small for you and Ava, and your parents.”
Bryce’s smile was cheeky. “Aw, boo, you didn’t have to do that.” He smacked a kiss to Cole’s lips and motioned for him to go first.
Cole placed their gifts under the tree and took the extra bag he’d bought for Bryce’s parents. He was waiting for the fear to claw at his throat, but the high from his orgasm lingered and Cole narrowed his eyes at Bryce, murmuring under his breath, “You did that intentionally, didn’t you?”