Page 29 of Triple Threat
Thankfully, property prices were up too, so they could still make back their outlays with the townhouses they were yet to sell. Hopefully, the softening in prices would hold off long enough to make a decent profit on the project. But it was looking dicey.
When her phone rang again, Ava yawned and rubbed her eyes. She’d just sent the updated budget to John and was exhausted.
“This is Ava.”
“Ava, I have your 2:00 p.m. meeting in reception.”
She frowned. “Ah, hold on.” She didn’t have any meetings scheduled. Frantically, she ran through her mental checklist of who she’d spoken to throughout the week. “Lisa, can you please discreetly get some more information for me. I don’t know who I’m supposed to be meeting.”
“Oh, sorry, did you not see my email?” she asked, her voice low enough that it wouldn’t travel across the reception area. She hadn’t. She’d been too focussed on updating figures, ignoring everything that had come in. “Mr Saxon rang when your earlier visitor was here. He asked me to confirm you’d blocked out your afternoon from 2:00 p.m. Apparently, you’d spoken with him and arranged it, but you didn’t have anything in your diary. I added Mr Saxon in.” Mr Saxon… Cole?
“Dark hair? Grumpy?”
“Yes,” Lisa answered brightly.
Ava’s belly swooped, excitement pulsing through her. “Give me a couple of minutes. I’ll be right out.”
Ava tidied up her office, closing down her laptop and tablet, picked up the roll of plans that she needed to look at over the weekend, and packed everything she could fit into her messenger bag. Taking her phone off charge, Ava touched the rose from Bryce and only stopped to confirm with John that it was okay to leave.
After getting his okay, she pushed through the door to reception, and bit back the groan trying to break free. Cole stood there, legs shoulder-width apart in chunky steel-capped boots with his hands shoved into the pockets of his khaki cargo shorts. His dusty high-vis shirt stretched across his shoulders and his dark eyes glimmered with promise as he watched her stride across the tiled floor to him. He held out his hand for her to shake and Ava couldn’t help the excited smile that stretched her lips.
All he was missing was the tool belt. Damn what a visual that would have made. She bit her lip painfully hard, mentally cataloguing how sexy he’d be in just the boots and belt. Yummy.
Cole narrowed his eyes, watching her as she fought the overwhelming physical reaction to him. When he flicked his eyes down, seeing her hardened nipples through the thin fabric of her bra, he tilted one side of his mouth up in the ghost of a self-satisfied smirk. The twinkle in his eyes as he met her gaze once more spoke of wicked promises that she knew he’d deliver on.
Clasping his rough hand, Ava suppressed a shiver, failing miserably when he ran his thumb over her wrist.
“Mr Saxon, thank you for coming by.” Her voice was breathy, anticipation fizzing through her veins like champagne.
“It was a priority,” he answered with a rumble, a sensual tease in his promise. “It couldn’t wait.”
“You’re in luck. I’m finished up for the afternoon. Should we head out?” Ava needed to be alone with Cole and now. She didn’t want to hang around the office any longer than necessary, especially because her workmates would no doubt be gossiping about the two hotties that had come to visit her that afternoon.
“We’re heading out, Lisa. I won’t be back this arvo and I’m not contactable.”
“Okay, no worries. Enjoy your weekend.”
Ava waved, walking in front of Cole to the lift.
As soon as the doors closed behind them, Cole pressed her against the wall. She dropped her satchel, and it landed with a thud on the luxurious carpet. Cole threaded their fingers together, his thick between hers. Lifting her hands above her head, he pinned her there, his lean body holding her in place.
Cole kissed her senseless, and Ava hooked her leg over his hip. His tongue explored her mouth in a lazy dance, and his hips rocked against her core. Breathless, the room spun, and she was desperate to touch him, to climb him like a tree. “Cole,” she breathed, begging him to do more.
“Tell me, sexy. Did you like Bryce’s present?”
“God, yes,” she moaned.
“Mmm, and what were you thinking about when you walked out and saw me waiting for you?” he challenged, a tease in his voice. Ava choked out an embarrassed laugh and Cole continued, his mouth panty-meltingly close to her ear, his breath tickling the sensitive spot on her throat, “You had your sex face on.”
This time Ava did laugh. “My sex face?”
Cole growled against her skin, punching his hips forward and licking a line up her throat before sucking on her lobe. “Mmm, you get all shivery and your eyes go dark. You bite your lip too like you need something in your mouth. What did you want in your mouth, hmm?”
“Your cock.” Ava gasped as he ground his rock-solid length against her core. “I was picturing you in your boots and belt, and that’s it.”
“You want me to nail you? Hammer you deep? Screw you in place?” he answered, his eyes dancing with mirth as he spoke.
She pinned him with her gaze, her pussy throbbing when he looked like he was having trouble tearing his vision away from her lips. “Hell yes.” She paused, and Cole sucked in a breath, his cock thickening against her belly. “Then I want you to do it all to Bryce. Or let him do it to you. Either way suits me.” She bit her lip and hummed, picturing her gorgeous men bending each other over, their thick cocks sliding in and out of the other’s body.