Page 36 of Triple Threat
Then there was Cole. He was just downright miserable at work. He dragged his feet every morning, was losing weight, barely sleeping and his smiles were harder to pull out of him. It couldn’t continue, but now that he was a supervisor, he felt trapped. He couldn’t go backward; his only way now was to step up the ladder he was regretting ever getting on.
Bryce was powerless to help them, and it killed him. He wanted to wrap them up and hold them close, protect both his boyfriend and girlfriend from their stresses. The last thing he needed was to add thoughts about his career, but it was inevitable. His agent had texted him a few days earlier summoning him to a meeting. He was due at the Lightning’s offices in an hour.
He still had a year left on his reserves contract with the Thunder, but his agent preferred setting up the conversations and expectations early. He’d been training well, doing everything asked of him and more. Bryce’s form on the field was good—training with the professional team had improved his game immeasurably. If he kept going the way he was, Bryce was confident he could get another year. Their meeting would set up exactly what the team’s expectations were, and his agent was talking long-term goals with the coach. It was pivotal to Bryce’s chances to play professionally.
“You ready?” Ava asked, sticking her head in his bedroom and coming to stand between his legs. He dropped his phone and slid his hands onto her hips, cupping her pert butt. Those sharp emerald eyes he could stare into for hours assessed him, the affection in her gaze warming him. Ava’s smile was a thing of beauty, one she gifted him with now.
She smoothed her hands down the lapels of his suit jacket and wiped a spot of shaving cream off his lobe and onto her jeans. “You look incredible, Bryce.”
“Yeah?” He hooked a finger under the collar of his shirt, pulling it away from his throat, crossing his eyes and sticking out his tongue. “How do people wear these every day?”
Ava rolled her eyes, laughter dancing in them as she straightened his tie. Bending over, she kissed him, her tongue snaking out and teasing his as he pulled her close. Ava straddled him and Bryce wrapped her up in his arms, sinking into her gentle touch. He inhaled her sweet scent and kissed her deeper, then moaned when she threaded her fingers into his hair and ground her core against his semi.
Need was at war with responsibility. He wanted to say fuck the meeting and fuck her work experience commitments. Getting naked and burying himself inside his woman was a much better idea, but he couldn’t. They both needed to be adults and do adulty things.
“We need to go or I’m going to be late,” Ava murmured, sneaking another kiss. “Not a good look on my first day.”
“Let’s come back to this later,” Bryce proposed, brushing his lips under the collar of her shirt as he squeezed her butt and slipped his fingers lower to tease her.
“Let’s.” Ava groaned a pained laugh before slipping off his lap and sashaying away from him. Curling her finger in a come-hither motion, she added, “We need to go, Mr Flaherty. We have a date with both our destinies.”
She was quiet on the trip over. Tension gathered around her eyes and her deep frown concerned him. He knew she was worried, but she was a superstar. He had absolute faith that she was going to make a good impression and get her dream job. And if it wasn’t with this company, so be it.
As soon as Ava’s landlord gave the okay and his flatmate found a replacement for Bryce, they’d all be living together. They could help her out and she could take her time finding the right job for her. Ava was worried about… everything. She was so used to analyzing information before making a decision. The uncertainty she was now faced with was overwhelming.
Ava squeezed his leg as Bryce followed the slow line of traffic up the street. Her posture was rigid, but she was breathing long and slow, trying to calm herself. He slid his fingers through hers, trying to comfort her. If he could take away some of the uncertainty she was facing, he would.
It was exactly what Cole was trying to do when he’d asked them to move in with him. Bryce knew Cole was quietly freaking out about his suggestion too, but at the same time he knew Cole really did want them to live together. Both of them had given Cole the chance to rescind his offer. He’d shown a flash of vulnerability when they had, asking whether they didn’t want to move in with him. Cole tried his hardest to keep the stony façade in place, but Bryce saw straight through him. Cole was a big marshmallow inside who just wanted to love and protect those around him. He wouldn’t admit it, but his parents kicking him out and his sister’s indifference to what had gone down scarred Cole deeply. It took a lot for him to trust, so asking them to live with him was a big deal. Bryce adored him for the growth he’d witnessed in his man. His prickly cactus had dropped some of his spines, only wielding them when he was talking to everyone else.
Bryce could see the training ground and team’s offices up ahead at the end of the busy street. A rumble of nervous anticipation coursed through him. His heart thudded in his chest, his insides vibrating like he was plugged into an electrical socket. Bryce needed to work off some steam, get his blood pumping and mind on something other than what was going to happen in the meeting. If it went well, then it would be another check in the column of “fuck yeah.”
He bit back the smile that was fighting to break free. He was excited, but Ava was having a professional crisis. He wanted to be there for her, and that meant tamping down his own enthusiasm so he could focus on her.
When he pulled into a car park at the club’s headquarters, Ava turned to him, taking his other hand in hers. A thrill fluttered through him, buzzing in his veins and skittering across his skin at her touch. He held his breath, luxuriating in the quiet moment together.
“I’m so proud of you, Bryce. You’re so close to making it. Another year on your contract and I know you can get there.” Her eyes and smile were bright, determination that he would achieve his dreams burning fierce inside her. It was obvious even with the tension lines at her temples.
He hadn’t realized how much he’d needed Ava to say the words until she had. The weight of guilt that something good might be happening to him and something shitty to her lifted. She was cheering him on. His confidence buoyed and his heart skipped a beat. Bryce couldn’t help the delighted laughter that bubbled up his throat.
“I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna get that extra year on my contract.” He nodded and this time let his giddy grin split his lips.
“You go get ’em, baby.” Ava smiled, the spark in her eyes lighting up her face. She squeezed his hands tightly and he brought her knuckles to his lips, brushing a kiss to them.
“You’re gonna kill it today.” He tugged her forward until she laughed and nearly landed in his lap. He pressed a smiley kiss to her lips and pulled back reluctantly. Patting the dash, he added, “Take care of my baby.”
She rolled her eyes and laughed as he jumped out of the truck. “I will. Break a leg,” she called as she slid across the seat. Bryce backed away, waving at her while she reversed out of the spot.
Bryce pushed through the double glass doors to the office and admired the backlit images on the walls. Team photos for the whole of the club’s history lined one section flanked by blown-up shots of premiership wins. Another area was their wall of fame—photos of the greats on the field proudly displayed in both black-and-white and colour. As he got closer to the reception desk, television screens played a slideshow of the current team members and replays of memorable moments in the last few seasons. One day, he wanted his plays to be on that reel. He wanted his photo with the rest of the team. He wanted that jersey.
He'd get there. He knew he would.
The receptionist blushed when he introduced himself and flashed her a boyish smile. She led the way, knocking on the door to a meeting room, not waiting for an answer before she opened it and motioned for Bryce to go through.
“Thanks.” He grinned again, his heartbeat kicking up another notch when he saw who was seated at the table.
His agent was already there, as was his coach and another man he’d never met before.
“Bryce, good to see you, mate,” Travis, his agent greeted, shaking his hand and gesturing to the spare chair. “You know Coach Latimer, obviously, but I don’t think you’ve met Maxwell Denyer before. Maxwell is an independent board member who helps with player contracts.”