Page 52 of Triple Threat

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Page 52 of Triple Threat

“You’re right,” he conceded, then added, “So let me help. I’ll draft up the post, you can do some charity work, and all this will go away soon. Then you can get back to playing.”

“We’re acting as if I’ve done something wrong. I’m being punished for having a boyfriend.”

“It’s not because you have a boyfriend. It’s because you put it out there that you have a girlfriend. The perception will be that you lied,” Denyer patiently explained, his voice even and calming.

His tone did nothing to ease Bryce, devastation taking the place of his earlier burst of anger. “I didn’t lie. I do have a girlfriend. I’ve never cheated on them. Ava, Cole, and I are together.”

“How do you propose explaining that to our heartland supporters, Bryce?” Ellie asked, her tone all business. She was a hard-arse. He’d had mad respect for her efficiency and professionalism when he’d been recruited. She’d reminded him of Ava, but now he saw how wrong he was. “Opinion polls taken during last year’s elections from the electorates where 90 percent of our supporters live made it clear that traditional family values are a priority.”

“You can’t be serious,” Ava snapped back. “Those traditional family values you speak of were transphobic rhetoric plagued with fear mongering. The candidate you’re talking about who relied on labelling the trans community as paedophiles lost by a landslide.”

“Be that as it may, the team is reluctant to have players on its roster who attract negative publicity. We’re of the view that it’s behaviour unbecoming of the team.”

Her words smashed into Bryce like a Mack truck ploughing into him square in the chest. He shattered into a million tiny pieces. His shredded dreams fell apart, skittering into every crevice and niche. He’d never be able to put them back together.

“No,” Cole ground out. His eyes flashed and his face was pulled tight with anger. He vibrated with a pent-up rage that would have been terrifying if Bryce hadn’t known just how fiercely Cole would defend him. “Players beating their wives up and snorting coke in toilets is negative press. Bryce is in a steady relationship with us. We’re committed and exclusive. We haven’t done anything wrong. You and the team are discriminating against him because of his sexuality.”

“Let’s not be hasty,” Mr Denyer cautioned. “No one wants to say anything they’ll regret later.”

When Ellie spoke again, her tone was placating. “I’m trying to protect everyone here. There are real consequences when a team’s brand takes a hit like this. It will affect more than just Bryce, and it’s my job to think of the team.”

“While I sympathize with that, this is my client’s life and his relationships we’re talking about.” Finally! Bryce breathed a sigh of relief that Travis was finally stepping up his game and actually representing him. “I think we’re all in agreement that Bryce is either going to have to come out or be outed. Whether he comes out as gay or in a relationship with two people is fairly moot at this point. You’re jumping to the conclusion that people will react negatively. The team should be spinning this to demonstrate how supportive of the LGBTQIA community the club is. Young players and fans who see themselves in their idols could become lifelong supporters if this is handled well.”

“And in the meantime, existing members refund their memberships, ticket sales will plummet, and merchandise sales are affected. I understand the long game you’re trying to play, Travis, but it’s my job to look at how the team will be affected in the short term too. Do you really want that on your shoulders, Bryce?”

Bryce swallowed, not having a clue how to answer that question.

“Bryce, don’t say a word,” Travis snarled, as if reading his mind. “Your allegations that my client has engaged in conduct unbecoming of the team are flimsy at best. We’ll be taking this to the players tribunal if there is even a hint of a sanction against him.”

Mr Denyer interjected, “Bryce, I understand what you’re going through. I’m sympathetic. I saw my son go through something similar to you. It was devastating for him. He was in a same-sex relationship and certain people didn’t react well to it. They forced him out of his job and his apartment. His partner suffered greatly too. Let’s get on the front foot with this. Release a statement and some photos to social media. Take the wind out of this tabloid’s sails.”

“Okay,” Bryce murmured, his gut telling him that there was more to come, that the axe hadn’t fallen just yet.

He continued talking as if Bryce hadn’t said a word. “Look, it may not feel like it at the moment, but I have your welfare at heart too. It pains me to suggest this, but I’m worried about how the pressure will affect you, your playing game, your university marks, and your relationship with Cole and Ava. If you come out and your season doesn’t result in a premiership win, there’s someone out there who’ll put it down to you folding under pressure. If it’s the media who reaches that conclusion, your whole career could be tarnished.”

There was a hum of agreement from Ellie. Bryce looked at Ava then Cole. He couldn’t read either of their expressions other than the worry painted over their faces—lips drawn in straight lines, pinched brows, and tense shoulders.

“That kind of negativity can get in your head. You’re incredibly talented, and we want to nurture that talent,” he continued.

“What are you suggesting?” Travis asked.

“I think the best way of protecting Bryce is for him to play in the reserves this season.” There it was: the axe falling. His lungs deflated and his shoulders slumped. He wanted to cry, but he was overwhelmed. In shock.

“Bryce, I know it’s hard, but you won’t be in the public eye every week. People won’t be constantly reminded of what’s happened, so you won’t have to live with reporters camped out in front of your apartment. It’s not a permanent situation by any means, but at least it will get you out from the public eye while things die down and you adjust to the change.”

The call continued, Travis, Ellie, and Mr Denyer in a back and forth between them. Bryce barely listened. It was as if he was drowning. Underwater. He was gasping for breath and drifting deeper, away from the light. He could hear noise, but not make out what was being said. He couldn’t yell for help. He couldn’t fight the tide dragging him under.

Ava gently took the phone from him, pocketing it. It was as if he was watching the scene from outside of his body, his consciousness hovering somewhere above him. She ran the backs of her fingers against his cheek, her warm touch stitching him back together. Heat seeped back into his body from that simple gesture, thawing the block of ice inside him like the spring sunshine dawning in the arctic. Numbness had crept in and exhaustion plagued him. His limbs were heavy. His vision swam, dizziness making him nauseous. Or maybe that was the feeling of his dreams slipping out of reach.

No. He couldn’t think like that. He’d done it once. He could do it again. He would do it again.

Getting bumped back to the reserves wasn’t his fault. It wasn’t because he wasn’t good enough, or he hadn’t kept up his end of the bargain. He’d done everything expected of him. He was being punished for the narrow-minded views of the team’s PR rep, and someone seeking a hefty pay day.

He’d be back, and he’d show them all. The haters would be left in awe. The PR rep would be spewing that she’d pulled him from the team. The lawyer… well, he’d actually been pretty cool. Bryce didn’t have any hard feelings for him.

Bryce would be better than all of them. The selectors would be jumping over themselves to recruit him into Queensland’s Origin team. He wasn’t moving the timeline either. Five years and he’d be there. Seven and he’d be captain.

Holy hell. Is this what Levi went through when he’d been outed? Levi had lost his career. It had come crashing down around him. No one wanted a kids’ TV presenter who was sleeping with both a man and a woman, one who refused to deny them.

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