Page 26 of A Heart That’s True
Cole sits next to me on the bed. “I’m not sure. It depends on how the next few days play out. I’ll call you later today, when we take a break. It will most likely be all day and into the night.”
I sigh inwardly, I can’t be upset. This whole situation is my fault. I just need to be patient and wait for it to be resolved, even if it means not seeing or being with Cole all the time. This is the reason we came back to Las Vegas. But what happens after that? I mean, I don’t even know where we’ll live once his business is done. It doesn’t matter, we’ll be together.
“Kate.” Cole pulls me to his attention by wrapping his hands around my face. “Baby, you drive me crazy when you revert inward like that. Please tell me what’s going on in that beautiful head of yours.”
“It’s nothing, just that I’m going to miss you today. I wish this wasn’t happening to you, to us.” It’s mostly the truth, the rest is just me, being me.
Cole sighs, resting his head against mine. “I don’t regret what’s happening. I’d do it all again. This is just the price I have to pay, and it’s nothing to what my world would be without you in it.”
I don’t know how to reciprocate those words, they fill my soul with love. “Cole—I,” I kiss him hard with need, showing him how much those words mean to me, demanding access to his mouth. He opens willingly and I tangle my tongue with his, my fingers fist in his hair. I forget my sheet and press my naked frame against him, crawling until I straddle Cole. I both feel and hear his guttural growl as he takes my bottom lip between his teeth.
“I love you,” my voice is ragged, heavy, barely above a whisper. “You consume me. My soul is full.”
“You’re my everything, Kate. Shit!”
“What?” I pull back to look at him.
“I’m going to be late for my meeting.” I laugh as he rolls me over onto the bed.
Thirty minutes later, I’m lying on the bed, satiated and languid from the heated pleasure I’ve just experienced with Cole. I watch him as he reappears out of the closet in a fresh suit.
“Kate, your credit cards are on the kitchen counter next to the phone. You should probably get some more clothes since we left Crystal Falls in such a hurry. Luke will be with me in meetings all day, but if you want to go somewhere, text him and he’ll have Keaton or Morgan take you. Use the security team. Do not wander around Las Vegas Boulevard by yourself.”
“What about the shops in the hotel?”
“Security needs to go with you.”
“Kate, don’t argue with me about this.”
I cross my arms automatically, taking the defensive. What does he think I am? A little girl that’s going to get lost or kidnapped? That the big, bad scary wolf is going to come and eat me?
“I’m an adult Cole, I don’t need a babysitter.”
“Dammit Kate, just do as I ask.”
“Cole, I—” but his stupid phone rings again.
“This is Holt…I’m on my way.” And he hits the end button. “I’ve got to go.” He walks up to me on the bed, cupping my face with his thumb and forefinger. “Tell me you understand, Cookie,”
Everything inside me is screaming ‘hell no buddy,’ but I don’t want him to walk out of here mad at me, hell, I don’t want to sit around in a foul mood myself, so for the moment I relent. “I’ll text Luke if I need to go anywhere.”
“Thank you, baby.” He kisses me on the lips and heads out the door.
I fall back on the bed. Damn, I don’t need a freaking babysitter, this thought gets me going and I pound my fists into the bed.
After I’m ready for the day, which isn’t until almost ten, I head to the kitchen. Sitting on the counter is a box of cereal, and I find milk in the refrigerator. I fix myself a bowl and flip through all the brochures left for hotel guests. There isn’t a dull moment to be had in the city of lights.
The phone on the counter rings, and I jump in surprise. Sheesh, the stupid thing scared me.
“Mrs. Holt?”
“This is Trisha at the front desk. I have an Olivia Holt here at the front desk.” I close my eyes, taking a deep breath.