Page 33 of A Heart That’s True
“Sure, is that all? Would you like any of our other services?”
“Uh—well…maybe, what do you offer?” She hands me a brochure with all the spa’s services. They offer everything from haircuts to seaweed wraps, facials, massages. The list seems to go on and on.
“There’s so much to choose from. We’re staying in Vegas for a while. I’ll look this over and decide later.”
“No problem. We have an opening this evening at five for a pedicure?”
“Yeah, that works great.”
“What’s the last name?”
“It’s Holt.” The receptionist’s face resembles something like shock, but she recovers quickly.
“You’re Kate Holt, Mr. Holt’s wife?”
“Yes.” It’s my turn to be surprised. “How do you know that?”
“Oh—uh, there has been a rumor going around that Mr. Holt got married, but no one seems to know for sure. We can fit you in now. We have a very nice package: it includes a massage, facial, manicure and pedicure.”
“Oh, no! I’ll come back. I’m smelly and sweaty. I just came from the gym.”
“That’s not a problem. We have a shower you can use. If you want, we have a hairstylist.”
She doesn’t wait for my response. She scrambles from behind her desk, disappearing into the depths of the spa. Several minutes later, she’s back. “This way, Mrs. Holt.” She shows me into a private room with a large shower. “This is Annette. She will be assisting you this afternoon. When you’re ready, let her know and she’ll escort you to the salon.
“Thank you,” I say to the receptionist, “I didn’t catch your name?”
“It’s Ellie.”
“Thanks Ellie.”
I should go back up to the villa, but there’s nothing for me there. I should feel guilty about not telling Cole, but I’m sure he hasn’t even tried to call me. So I shove the thought in a closet and take a shower. Fifteen minutes later, I let Annette know I’m ready. I glance up at the clock on the wall: it’s just after one.
Four and half hours later, I’ve been sufficiently pampered. I’ve never been catered to like this. Manicure, pedicure, facial, and haircut. Annette shows me back to the room. We started in to get dressed. I look at my nasty, smelly workout clothes. Those are the last things I want to put back on. Then I spot the shoe bag on the floor and the dress hanging next to it. I pull the plastic off the navy wrap dress. I’ll have to go without a bra and underwear, but I’m only going back up to the villa. I can manage that. I stuff my smelly clothes in the shoebox and bag.
In the reception area, I see Ellie. “Ellie, what’s the best way to get back to the villas from here?”
She’s super nice and writes the directions on a piece of paper. It’s a good thing I asked. I would have never found my way back. I follow her directions, but I don’t recognize where I am until I come through the hallway that connects the villas to the main hotel. I breathe a sigh of relief. I notice a man standing in the foyer. He reaches up and talks into his sleeve. He watches me as I walk to the elevator. Once there, I glance over my shoulder. He’s still there, still watching me. I wave at him, so he knows I know he’s staring. But he doesn’t do anything. The elevator dings and I get in.
When the doors open into the villa, Luke is there along with another man—Morgan, I think, is his name. They both look at me guardedly. “Mrs. Holt” Luke nods. Well—this isn’t good.
I walk out of the elevator.
“For Christ’s sake, Kate, where in the hell have you been?”
I peer over the railing. “Cole?” The look on his face is murderous. I backup and run into Luke. I turn around and Morgan is standing in front of the elevator. I narrow my eyes at Luke.
“Kate!” Cole yells at me.
“What?” I scream back.
“Get your ass down here.” I stomp down the stairs, my heels making a harsh scraping noise with each clomp.
I throw my bag on the table. “What?” I raise my hands in exasperation.
“I thought I told you not to go anywhere without security.”
“And I told you I don’t need a babysitter.”