Page 43 of A Heart That’s True
“Nothing, it’s just that’s the first time I’ve asked you to lift your arms, where you haven’t fought me on it.”
“Oh,” I whisper.
He puts a finger under my chin, lifting my head so I’m looking at him.
“I like when you fight me on it.”
I give him a weak smile, and Cole kisses me tenderly.
He cleans the blood off my chest and neck with the washcloth. Then pulls an antiseptic pad out of the first aid kit.
“I’m afraid this is going to hurt.” I hold myself still, but wince as he wipes the pad across my scrapes.
“I think she got me on the back of the neck.” I move my hair to one side. Cole stands behind me. I hear him curse under his breath, then feel the sting of the antiseptic, I wince again. I feel Cole’s warm lips on my wounds. He kisses each one, and continues moving across my shoulder. His touch eliciting a shiver from me.
“You go and change, and I’ll order dinner.” Cole comes around, helping me stand.
In the bathroom, I stand in front of the mirror trying to figure out what happened. I didn’t start the fight. It was Olivia. I may have pulled out her hair, but I’m the one who was beaten up. It’s not the physical wounds that hurt, it’s the emotional ones. Her words taunt and torture me over and over. They echo not good enough, plaything, fat, ugly, bottom feeder. All things I have felt over the past week at least once. I do feel inadequate when it comes to Cole and his lifestyle. What is it that Cole sees in me that no one else does? He tells me over and over he loves me, and I feel that love and love him back. More than anything, I love how he sees the whole me. That he doesn’t want to change me or fix me, he simply accepts me and loves me for who I am. Cole could have any woman he wanted, someone who lives and understands his rich lifestyle. An ultra-thin Barbie who doesn’t have the worries and burdens I do. Someone who would compliment him much better than I feel I do.
But somehow, he loves me and wants me. Cole married me. I may not understand it, but I need to accept it and stop fighting it. Because I love him and want to be with him. I’ve never been so lucky. I found a man who loves all of me, even all my quirks and faults. I need to banish the doubts that continually plague me, to not let Olivia, my mother or anyone else tell me I’m not good enough. Cole thinks I am, and he’s all that matters. I need to try harder; to be more accepting of Cole and his offerings and to learn to accept my faults the way he has.
I take one last look at myself in the mirror and run my hand over the welts and scratches from her nails. At least she didn’t get my face. Like I did to her.
I change into a pair of black yoga pants; I do not know where they came from. The same with the pink stretchy-T. I pull it over my head. I seem to have a personal clothes fairy, and new clothes magically appear every day.
I sit down on the bed, I want to curl up into a ball with the covers over my head and completely forget this day.
“Kate?” Cole walks into the bedroom. “The food’s here.” He comes and sits next to me on the bed.
“Oh, okay. Cole, do you have someone buying me clothes?”
He rubs at the back of his neck. “Yes.”
“Oh, why?”
“Well, we left Crystal Falls so fast, you didn’t bring anything with you. And you won’t spend our money, which you still think is my money. I hired a personal shopper. She’s been delivering clothes since Wednesday, when housekeeping comes up they put the clothes way.”
“You are one sneaky devil, that’s for dang sure.” I should be angry. But I haven’t gone out and bought many clothes myself, just one dress to be exact. Besides, Cole knows how I feel about it. His gesture warms my heart, making me feel loved, so I let the anger go—for now—and I did just resolve to try harder. I scoot closer to him. “Thank you.” I kiss him on the cheek, and then lay my head on his shoulder.
“You’re welcome. You aren’t upset?”
“You caught me at an opportune moment.”
Cole’s shoulders shake with a silent laugh. “Let’s get some food in you.”
The food cart is set up in the family room. “I thought we would eat in here. Let’s keep it low key.”
“Sure, what did you order?”
“Have a look.” I walk up to the cart, removing one of the covers. There are mashed potatoes with brown gravy, roast beef, and corn. I glance around and there is a large basket of warm rolls.
“This is my favorite. H—how did you know? Did you know?”
“I called your mom.”
My mouth drops open and my eyes go wide. “You called my mom? When?”
“This afternoon. I wanted to surprise you. She was very nice. She said you should call her when you get a chance.”