Page 47 of A Heart That’s True
I spoke too soon.
“Now switch it up.” I think she means switch sides, so I jab right and punch Cole in the chest. It catches him off guard, and his feet slip out from under him, and he ends up on his ass. Unfortunately, the forward motion of the move, combined with Cole falling, causes me to lose my balance. Cole grabs me by the waist, easing me to the floor with him. I’m a bit mortified, but Cole gives me one of his patented smiles, helping to ease my embarrassment. He stands and helps me up. Smiling, he points the other way. It takes me a minute, but I get back into the rhythm.
The instructor shouts out. “Let’s try those upper cuts again. Left, right, left, turn that hip and leg. Now doubles; left, left, right, right.”
I really get into this move. I like the burn I feel in my thighs. Then I get a sharp pinch on my ass that stops me cold. I glance over at Cole, who hasn’t missed a beat. “I couldn’t help myself. You’re waving that beautiful thing in my face.”
“We are even.”
Cole rubs at his chest. “Not by a long shot.”
By the end, my muscles are burning with protest, and my lungs are on fire. The instructor starts her cool down, but I’m so done. I need some water and a bed, or any flat surface, to collapse on. I look at Cole and mouth ‘I’m done’, then maneuver my way out of the room. I lean up against the wall, fighting the urge to slide down it. Cole comes out behind me with a water bottle in his hand. I tip my head up, opening my mouth.
“Say the magic words, Cookie.”
I smile remembering our first workout together, Cole trying to run on a treadmill with me what he said to me. What I said to him. I look into Cole’s teasing eyes and sigh, knowing he won’t relent until I say them. “Cole’s a sex god.”
“And how do you know this?” Cole runs a finger across my collarbone.
I tilt my head to look at him, a sly smile across my face. “Personal experience. Now, water please, before I dry up and disappear.”
Cole laughs, and I feel the cool water as he tips the bottle to my lips. I wipe my mouth where the water dribbles over it. “Now, where’s my cake?”
It’s Cole’s turn to shake his head. He guzzles the rest of the water. The doors to the aerobics room open and the rest of the class files out. Cole leans a hand against the wall to whisper something to me with that smile on his face, but it suddenly disappears, replaced by that calm, devoid look. I glance past him to see the brunette who tried to move up next to Cole walk past. Oh, she did not just touch my man’s ass. I push myself off the wall. She’s not going to get away with that.
“Whoa, Cookie, let it go.”
I rake my hands over my face. When did I become so possessive of Cole? This isn’t like me. “Sorry, I guess I’m still on edge over yesterday.”
“I’m not going to lie, I kind of like it. It’s a bit of a turn on.” He wraps his arm around my neck, pulling me to him, planting an open mouth kiss on my cheek.
“Coulter.” We both turn and see the redheaded instructor coming down the hall.
Cole remains at ease with his arm still around me. I can’t help my possessiveness and wrap my arm around his waist.
“Hi,” she says, reaching us. “I haven’t seen you around for a while. I heard you were working on a big business deal here in Vegas. I was hoping you’d call.”
You are joking. I’m standing right here. Does she not see Cole has his arm around me? Does that mean nothing to these women? It’s too much to deal with. I have a right hook with her name on it. No, that’s a bad idea waiting to blow up in my face. I need to leave. I let go of Cole and try to leave, but he moves his arm to my shoulders, tightening his hold. I sigh with frustration… chill, Kate—Cole loves you. Remembering this helps me to relax—but just a bit.
“Libby, this is my wife, Kate. Kate, this is Libby. Libby is the head of the exercise division here at the Upper House.”
I hold my hand out. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Her handshake is beyond firm and I have to stifle a grunt, it hurts so much. “Nice to meet you, Kate.” She turns her attention back to Cole. “I heard a rumor you had gotten married.”
“The rumor is truth. Great class. I’ll see you Monday for the department head meeting.” Cole turns to me. “I think I owe you something. Are you ready?”
“I’m always ready for that.” We leave Libby standing in the hall. I turn, taking one more glance at her. She looks a bit stunned, standing there with her mouth open. I smile and shrug and her eyes narrow with jealousy.
“Was she…” I trail off. I’m sure I don’t want to know.
“No baby.” He kisses me on the temple.
I relax, that’s a relief. Except I don’t think I will ever get used to the way women look at Cole and then the way they look at me. Maybe if I were in their shoes, I would have the same look. The one that says ‘I wish it was me, not you’. I am one lucky girl, that’s for damn sure, and for that reason, maybe I am finally learning to deal with other women’s looks.
We shower together, having more fun than I’ve ever had in a shower. Afterwards, Cole takes a business call and I dry my hair, but I’m too tired for anything else. I plop down on the already made bed for a ten a.m. nap.
The bedroom door creaks open and the bed sags. “Cookie, wake up. I have your breakfast.”