Page 53 of A Heart That’s True
Once everyone is in the limo, the tension is even worse. Finally, Preston breaks the silence. He pulls a chilled bottle of champagne out of a bucket. “Let’s have a drink.” He opens it and pours one for everyone. “To family.”
Everyone mutters his sentiment, but nobody makes eye contact. I take a small drink. The last champagne I drank didn’t sit very well, but this tastes much better. I could use a good buzz and tip my head back, drinking until it’s gone. Cole gives me a side glance. His face doesn’t reveal anything, and he doesn’t say anything, but the grip on my hand tightens until it’s almost painful.
“Would you like some more, Katherine?”
“No thank you.” Cole’s hold loosens, but only slightly.
Preston gives me the once over. “That’s a lovely dress.”
“Thank you, Preston. Olivia bought it for me when she took me shopping Wednesday.”
Preston doesn’t hide the surprise on his face. He takes Olivia’s hand. “How nice.”
Olivia’s eyes me suspiciously, but doesn’t say anything either. We leave the strip, heading north. “Where are we going?”
“The Las Vegas Club, it’s in the old part of Vegas by Freemont Street.” Cole answers me. We ride the rest of the way to the club in an awkward silence.
At the Las Vegas Club, we’re shown to a private booth that sits on the balcony above the stage. I scoot all the way around till I’m sitting next to the railing of the balcony. Cole slides in next to me, taking my hand. Preston orders a bottle of wine, but Cole orders a scotch neat.
“Who’s the singer that we are watching tonight?” I peer over the balcony at all the people below. Half of them are dressed like Elvis. “Cole, look at all the Elvis’, what’s going on?”
“You’ll enjoy this show.” I glance back at Preston, who has a knowing smile on his face.
“I will, how do you know?” He assumes a lot, considering he doesn’t even like me.
“The man we’re watching is Bryant Memphis. He’s an Elvis impersonator.”
My eyes get big. “What, really?” I glance back at the stage.
“Yes, he comes and performs every year during the annual Elvis convention.”
“Is that why there are so many people dressed up like Elvis?”
“Don’t you have an Elvis costume, Coulter? One that lights up, you should have dressed up. I’m sure your wife…to be, would’ve loved it.” Olivia looks at me while she says this, her grin wicked.
“I give private showings and performances, and only to my woman.” Cole pulls me close, nuzzling my neck.
“I’m pretty sure I’m due.” I walk my fingers up his chest, then grab his collar, pulling him to me, kissing him. The house lights blink and the crowd noise dies down.
I lean back into Cole, and he wraps an arm around me. Elvis: aka Bryant Memphis, comes tearing on to the stage singing ‘All Shook Up’. He’s a classic seventies Elvis, with the white sequence jumpsuit a cape and the long thick sideburns. He’s beautiful. The performance is amazing. It’s a dream come true, to feel like I get an idea of what it was like to watch to the real Elvis perform. Towards the end of the show, he congratulates a couple in the audience who’s gotten married. I lean forward over the railing to get a better look at the couple. The bride is still wearing her wedding dress, and the groom is dressed up like Elvis. Elvis serenades them with the ‘Hawaiian Wedding Song’. Something inside me starts to hurt. It’s a feeling that’s becoming familiar. Something that says I missed out, instead of people congratulating and loving me on my wedding day, all people did was yell at me and try to stop it. I feel a tear slip down my cheek. Cole leans forward, wrapping me in his arms. “Kate,” he whispers.
“This is my favorite song,” I whisper back, wiping the lone tear away. I sit back, resting my head against Cole, the hurt turning into a dull ache. Bryant Memphis ends the concert with a melody of Elvis tunes; the last lyrics that ring out are ‘Don’t Be Cruel.’ The audience claps and claps, giving him a standing ovation. When the lights come on, I sigh into my seat. That was absolutely amazing.
“Did you enjoy it?” Cole leans around, glancing at me, his drop-dead gorgeous smile on his face.
“Very much.”
“I’m glad.”
I open my mouth to thank Preston, but his phone rings. “This is Holt…when…what did he say?”
I glance up at Cole, who just shrugs.
“Very well, I’m on my way.”
“Everything all right, Dad?”