Page 61 of A Heart That’s True
“Hey buster, stop laughing! You’re the one that damaged the car with your reckless driving.”
“All right, we’ll park and see if there’s any damage.” He maneuvers the car into a parking spot in the restaurant. “Wait here, I’ll come around.”
Cole comes around, opening the door for me. As we walk around the car, a couple of guys walk up to us.
“Sweet ride.”
“Hey thanks. We took it out by the dam, just making sure she doesn’t have any damage.” Cole puts his arm around me. He and the other men talk about cars and before I realize we’re surrounded by people all wanting to talk to Cole about the Ferrari. People really were honking at us because we have a Ferrari. Will I ever get a hold on this world Cole has pulled me into? I mean, really, who cares about a car? But then apparently this is a Ferrari, which Cole constantly reminds me of. I feel somewhat embarrassed now for making him stop, because now we’re stuck talking to all these people. I glance at Cole, though, and he doesn’t seem to mind everyone’s questions and picture taking.
“Well fella’s, it was nice to talk cars, but my wife and I have plans this evening. I hope you enjoy your stay in Vegas.”
Cole helps me back into the car. There’s still a small harem of mostly men standing around the car when we leave. “Okay.” I turn to Cole. “I get it. It’s a Ferrari. People freak out over Ferrari’s, but don’t forget, this one is named Fancy Shmancy.”
Cole hooks his arm around my neck, pulling me close, planting a kiss on my forehead. “I will never forget.”
“You said something about plans?”
“Yes, I’d like to take you out tonight.”
“Out where?”
“Oh no, it’s a surprise.”
I roll my eyes. “Can I at least get a hint?”
“Yes, you need a beautiful dress.”
“Cole, we got married last weekend.”
“That’s why we’re celebrating our one-week anniversary.”
I raise my eyebrows. “Okay, but I don’t have a dress. Is that personal shopper available?” I inwardly cringe. How am I ever going to get used to Cole’s money, especially when it comes to clothes? I want to give and not always take, so if this will make Cole happy, I’m willing to work at it.
Cole gives me a side glance.
He sighs, “I didn’t return any of those clothes. They’re in a closet, in one of the upstairs rooms.”
My anger tries to surface, but I take a deep breath, dispelling it. I want to be with Cole always. That means loving all of him the way he loves all of me and accepting all the things he wants to buy and give me. And that includes letting him lavish me with designer clothes. No more doubts. This is where they end. Cole and I are forever. I don’t want to argue over trivial things like clothes. Now if he wanted to buy another Ferrari, maybe. “Oh—well, that’s good. There were several dresses I liked.”
I get another side glance. “You’re sure?”
“Yes. It’s great, in fact. But if it’s okay, I’d like to go through them and return the ones I know I will never wear, and the shoes that don’t fit.”
Cole gives me a guarded look. “Who are you, and what have you done with my defiant wife?”
I smile at him. “It’s taking me a while, but slowly, I’m learning what’s important and what’s not. Which battles I should fight and which ones I should whole heartedly surrender.”
Cole grins, shaking his head. “Oh Cookie.”
We’re stopped at a light, so I lean over, grabbing his face, planting an open mouth kiss on his cheek, making an extra loud smacking sound. I giggle and then plop back down into my seat. “Love you, Mr. Hot Ferrari.”
“Love you back, Mrs. Hot Ferrari.” The smile that overtakes my face is pure joy and love.
After I shower and dry my hair, it takes me a good hour to go through the dresses and shoes upstairs. But finally, I decide on something to wear. When I walk downstairs, Cole’s on the phone. He smiles and winks, then takes his call into the bedroom. I sit at the counter waiting for Cole and notice the Kama Sutra book from the gift basket laying on the table. I glance around to see if Cole’s come back in, but he’s nowhere to be seen, so I cautiously flip through pages, reading the descriptions as I go. My cheeks heat, and I get a bit turned on as I roam the pages and look at the illustrations.
“Which one do you want to try?”